Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Isla 59 Months

Well folks, I guess I've given up on my next-to-the-white-teddy-bear monthly photos. Partially because I packed that dang teddy bear and I have no idea where she is and mostly because those pictures were never all that interesting anyway and, if I'm sick of them, SO ARE YOU!!! So, enjoy just a few regular pictures from Isla's life this month. :)
We were really sad to say goodbye to our sweet Italian friend Anna who had been staying at the Crozier Casa for most of the time we have been here. The kids really bonded with her and it was a tearful departure when she left. The girls still ask when she's going to come "home."  
Isla was thrilled to participate at Kid's Summer Adventure (our church's version of VBS) for the first time this year (perks of living on the Seattle side!!) She had an absolute blast and now we rock out constantly to the tunes on the CD they provided her. She has the words memorized and shouts them out as we cruise in the van - programs like this are her jam, I'm realizing. She's an outgoing, social butterfly and thrives in organized activities. 
Though she's very social, she also really needs her space and she seems to know that about herself. She's already asking to be in half day kindergarten so she can "spend more time with the family." *Melt*
This month we've been learning to be selfless and generous and I've been very pleased with the changes I've seen. On numerous occasion she's thought of her sister and offered her the pink plate or allowed a guest to have first pick. I'm so proud of her!
 We put her in her 2nd summer of swimming lessons and this time they happen weekly rather than every day for a couple week stretch. The jury is still out as to whether I like this approach but she is having a blast, making friends, and finally even leaving the wall with the help of a kick board. Slow and steady certainly wins the race (or so I've been told...) 
 She's been talking about her birthday almost constantly for the past couple months, planning her party, adding to her wish list, dreaming up different cake ideas, creating a guest list. You'd think after all this time I'd have it mapped out but instead I have NO idea as her plans are ever-changing.
Other interests right now include making books (she's always got a stack of paper and the stapler nearby), playing dress up, boating, teaching her own swim class or leading some other form of organized play with others, and having playdates with friends.
We went camping this past weekend and she had a blast. She dove right into the frog-catching activities and immediately wanted to take them home as pets. I love her adventurousness!
She's a real keeper and I mean that in multiple senses of the word. She's always asking to save things - used straws, cups from restaurants, tree bark, pieces of sidewalk, you name it. Her reasoning is always that she "needs it for a craft project." Thankfully these craft projects are rapidly forgotten and I am usually able to dispose of the trash...err...I mean treasures. Usually. I fear I'm giving her a complex because I've been caught red-handed on NUMEROUS occasions, throwing out various (broken!!!!!) treasures. Whoops. This girl has a memory like none other - love her!

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