Thursday, August 14, 2014

Emma 35 Months

I swear this girl has grown three times as tender overnight, if that is even possible. Out of nowhere she coined my very favorite phrase ever: "I'm so glad you're here!" You don't have to be doing anything special. Usually she'll just look at you and say it excitedly. Then the only thing you can do is melt. My other favorite is "Mom! You're back!" Whether I return from an errand or simply join her in the same room, she's as thrilled as ever to be reunited with me.
Her big news this month is that SHE'S POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!! -ish. Or as Graham put it, "She's wearing underwear" which is a positive way of saying we're still ironing out a few kinks.... It came about all of her own accord (as everyone always says it does) and I knew it was time when she began sneaking upstairs, discarding her diaper, putting on underwear, all unbeknownst to me. Until she had an accident of course. Then this would repeat over and over and over. All day. Of course she would refuse to go in the toilet which made things complicated.
In a random stroke of genius, I got out a couple of bowls and gathered a few rocks from the yard. I told her each time she used the potty, she could move a rock from the full bowl to the empty one. Once all the rocks made their way to the 2nd bowl, then we'd shop for a special toy. Not a moment after explaining all this to her, she walked over to the potty and peed. Children are strange creatures, I'll tell you what! Lest I lead you to believe it was magically easily from there on forward, let me assure you we've had our fair share of challenges, including learning to go #2. I've fished more poop out of underwear (and the dryer...long story) over the past month than I care to remember and it's super fun when you have to take her to the potty 12 times in the course of an hour to try to do her duty (which happens every time, by the way). It's really fun when you're on a road trip. Or camping. But overall, she's doing GREAT and successfully wearing underwear at naps and bedtime even. We are quite pleased!
  Enough already with the potty talk, am I right!? Other things about Emma I've forgotten to mention are that she's now in a big girl bed (this happened mid-June when we moved to Grandpa and Grandma's). She does great staying in bed, as long as big sis isn't in the same bedroom, which she was for the first 1 1/2 treacherous months...
She's very independent these days, serving herself at mealtimes, putting jam on her toast and dressing herself...usually in Isla's clothes or my shoes. She's developed a little bit of an attitude and likes to contradict us. We hear a lot of "Yes it is!" when we tell her "That's not yours" and the like. She also has noticed when we're preoccupied with our phones or something and she'll yell "You're! Not! Answering!" when we are non-responsive. Busted.
She sneaks blueberries like candy (she literally stuffs her face by the handful if you leave them in reach) and raspberries too and of course pasta pasta pasta remains a favorite. She doesn't like butter on her toast and she dislikes eggs and cheese. We recently discovered she likes crab as she proceeded to put the whole thing in her mouth, shell and all! 
She loves Winnie the Pooh and all she wants for her 3rd birthday is a Winnie the Pooh cake like her cousin Canon had. She has a new stuffed Pooh bear (her potty training treat after she moved all 5 rocks!) that has dethroned her Mickey at bedtimes.
We are hopeful she has some musical tendencies brewing. She can carry a tune and we've often found her in Grandpa and Grandma's bedroom, headphones on, sitting at the keyboard, just like Daddy. She's also a great dancer and we hope to get her in a class once she turns 3.
Emma is easily excited and can be convinced to try most things though she usually has to overcome a bit of fear first. She LOVES boating and successfully sailed all the way across Lake Washington with her big sis, Daddy and Grandpa!
She's figured out how to climb ladders now and that seems to be her favorite pastime at the park these days (that and swinging!) She is also obsessed with the van and gets in the driver's seat and resets all the buttons on the dash if we don't keep a close eye.
She loves her baby brother and likes to try and pick him up or feed him when we're not looking. Fun times always over here! :)

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