Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Jack

 A very Happy Birthday to the sweetest 1 year old in all the world - our SON! I remember so well that afternoon a year ago today when you made your entrance to the world and I heard the words "It's a boy!" Don't ever tell anyone this, but I'm pretty sure there were tears in your father's eyes. You were a prayed for, longed for, hoped for addition to our family and we can't imagine our lives without you. 
 I struggle to put it to words other than to say that you are such a gift to your daddy and I, a ray of sunshine and a complete joy every single day. We waited expectantly for your arrival at the close of a pretty rough season for us. This year has been a series of big change after big change and your life has brought us so much laughter and warmth. You light up the room with your smiles and giggles and are absolutely adored by every person in this family.
I love your fierce determination to get in any and every body of water in sight, now matter how cold. You can't get enough of baths and your latest thrill is standing in the tub and playing with the faucets. This last month you have kicked it into high gear with all the new things you are learning. You are finally crawling, pulling yourself up, cruising and walking around with push toys. You are making up for lost time and are on the move ALL THE TIME. 
You and your daddy have a pretty special bond. You crawl quickly to the door to greet him when you hear his voice at the end of a long work day. The two of you giggle and crack each other up to no end. He was SO thrilled when you joined our family and I know the years ahead are going to be a lot of fun with all the "manly" stuff you guys will do.
Oh and Jack, I can't get enough of you either. I never knew how much I needed a boy until you entered my world. There is something incredible about the relationship between a mother and her son. This year has not been an easy one for me but I would do it twelve times over again and then twelve times more because it means I get to spend my life with your sweet face.
In the years that lie ahead, we pray that your sweet spirit would continue to light up the room wherever you are. We pray that you would grow to be a strong leader and a man of humility and integrity. We pray that you would love the Lord with all your heart and be open to whatever He has in store for you. You are a treasure, a blessing and your life is so needed in our family. We love you so very, very much Jack Attack!
Happy 1st Birthday!
Mom and Dad

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