Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Isla 63 Months

For the first time (maybe ever?) I am an entire month behind in my kiddo blogging. Which is testimony enough to the crazy that was our lives in November and December. Isla continues to thrive at school and comes home surprising us with all she knows every day. Back in November, she got to take Ollie the Otter home for the weekend and show him around. She introduced him to our new house, to her human friend Oliver and even took him to a family birthday party. She got to journal about the adventure when it was all said and done - her love language for sure!
This next shot was a must for the blog: my girls is wearing jeans. JEANS!!! November marked the first month in her history where this became a regular occurrence. Nevermind the reason (that she 2 of her pairs of leggings got hold and had to be tossed and I boxed up her summer dresses so she had no other options....) It's a pretty big deal for the Little Miss.
The other morning, she greeted me at her usual time of about 6:06 AM and told me "I looked in the mirror and did this and it was really cute so I'm going to do this with my head all day." Love her!  
Her other latest and greatest is to ask me to photograph her with various objects. All the time. It usually happens when I tell her she can't have something so she opts to take a picture of it instead. Case point:
And another:
Oh and another:
She is still very into art and it grows more creative by the day.
I find "mail" from her on my bedside table on a regular occurrence and she's doing a really good job of sounding out words. Her future profession though has morphed from artist to a ballerina in the snowflake dance of the shortened (kids) version of the Nutcracker. Guess we better get her back in ballet!

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