Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jack 16 months

This kid is awesome. He also happens to be incredibly lucky to be alive. In case there was any question before: boys and girls are very, very different. I know that now. Thankfully God made boys with 9 lives, just like cats and though we have had many close calls, Jack is still with us. Every time I turn around, he seems to be balancing precariously on some high piece of furniture or standing on his rocking chair holding his hands in the air with a look in his eyes that says "No hands, Mom!" 
Even though I have to watch him like a hawk, I LOVE this age. He's talking and understanding so much and beginning to repeat words after us. Some new words include hot (which he whispers), wow, this (which is usually his binky), tooth, walk, woof, light and Emma (which actually means up).
He LOVES being outside and has a new affinity for slides at the park. He's quite a daredevil. He can climb up and down stairs with no trouble at all and just needs a little help getting his legs out in front of him before he slides so he doesn't go head first.
In other news, he seems to have claimed his musical passion: DRUMS!
Now that he is walking, running really, he says "walk walk walk" all the time and squirms to be put down so he can book it. We've also noticed a lot of times he'll be walking around the house on his tip toes for some reason.
The sweet boy now has 5 teeth and I'm pretty sure he's getting more based on his behavior. Yesterday he fought sleep all day and then finally fell asleep in my arms for the first time in months. It was heavenly! Love my little cuddle bug.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Adios, Facebook Phone App

Well, it happened. Facebook is officially off my phone. I wish I could claim some act of great noble-ness that instigated this big step for me. Actually it was nothing of the sort. Maybe ironically so, I was at a social gathering WITH REAL PEOPLE IN THE FLESH this weekend when I went to pull out my phone and noticed that the app wasn't there anymore. This has happened before and so my gut instinct was to go and retrieve it from this mysterious "cloud" in a series of simple clicks. But something in me gave me pause. Call it a sign or an act of God or whatever you will but unfortunately this accidental purse deletion was what it took to make me finally pull the trigger. 
I've been wanting to free myself from this Facebook addiction (truly it is for me!) for quite some time but just couldn't do it. I'm told this is called FOMO. Fear Of Missing Out. Oh man, and I've got a case of it something fierce. I fear that by getting rid of this form of social media, I will miss something big. Some giant life event or achievement or something will happen and I won't know. And guess what? I'm pretty sure this will be the case actually. I've seen it happen - family members missing invitations to parties simply because the only form of invite was via Facebook. But I've gotten (or maybe I'm still getting present tense) to a place where this is ok with me. I trust that my close relationships are strong enough that I will be informed enough. Those that want me somewhere will make sure I know to be there. Does that make sense?
So I've been Facebook phone-free for two full days now. I'm shocked and appalled to realize how many times I reach for my phone to pursue FB. I've caught myself trying to figure out what else to surf to fill the time I've freed. It will be really easy to find a new addiction and so I'm trying to nip those urges in the bud and try something super old fashioned like to talk to people - my kids, my husband, the parents waiting at school pick up and drop off.
I LOVE the Facebook of old - the pictures of people I love and of their kids and the stories about all the hilarious things their kids do and say. But this version is a thing of the past and I want to be more intentional with my time. I love writing and I have come to realize opportunities to do so are not just going to fall into my lap. I have to make time for them. I will be keeping my toe in social media over on Instagram so that I don't totally shrivel up and grow out of touch. And let's be honest, I JUST LOVE INSTAGRAM AND CAN'T GIVE IT UP. I may log into Facebook on the real live computer every once in a while but I want these times to be intentional and not the subconscious time-sucks they have been. So, if you want to keep up with me and my family and the crazy things my kids do and say, check back to this blog, my cooking blog and my Instagram feed. I'll do my best to keep y'all up-to-date there. :)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Emma 41 Months

Oh my word - is that not just the best picture of our little Emma navigating the zoo?!? *I melt*
She is definitely in her happy place when amongst the animals. 97% of the time she'll answer "go to the zoo!" when asked what she wants to do each day.
Before I gush any further about this lovely lady, allow me to share with you that my THREE YEAR OLD can officially ride her bike. With pedals. Sans training wheels. I am so proud!!! And so is she. We were aren't at the zoo, she's begging to go out riding. LOOK AT HER!!!
The process helped me put my finger on something that I'd never recognized about her before: she is fiercely determined. I love this, maybe because I can relate. She was bound and determined to ride and after minimal assistance, she was off. Watch out world, this girl is going to go places.
It was pointed out to me that she also has a mind for puzzles. She has this unique ability to grab any old piece, be it edge or not (usually not) and slap it right into place in 3 seconds flat.
She is learning through osmosis (because I certainly haven't been teaching her!) how to write a number of letters and knows how to spell her name. Though her vocabulary has expanded ten-fold, she continues to stutter, sometimes more significantly than others and so we are in the process of seeking out some speech therapy to help her with that.
She continues to be my kitchen helper and I love her company. Her specialties include cutting and whisking and egg-cracking. And tasting. 
She and her sister have taken to fighting over who gets to sit next to me at mealtimes which is quite fun (insert heavy sarcasm here). But then when it comes time to pray, she is sure to tag on her own little addition: "and thank you for Christmas!" It makes me smile every time. She's something else, that's for sure!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Isla 65 Months

My 5 year old has done a lot of things to make me proud but can we all just hold the phone a moment here to proclaim it from the rooftops that I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!!!! We have been through enough large transitions to last us a decade over the course of her short life and she is just taking it in stride. She kicked off 2015 with a new hair-do and a new school and both suit her quite nicely, if I do say so myself. 
She is doing half-day Kindergarten at Woodmoor Elementary and I think we are all thankful. Although the school days are short and keep us essentially tied to or near the house in the morning hours, the reduced length has done wonders for the stamina of her attitude "after hours." She comes home chipper and with adequate reserves to make it through the rest of the day. We love her teacher, Mrs. Vendelin and she has said she "couldn't have asked for a better transition" for Isla. She is keeping up if not ahead of the other kiddos in her class and is making friends (though she can't necessarily remember their names...) She misses her "best friend Maya" from her old school very much but we are arranging out-of-school playdates so they can see each other. 
Isla is writing a ton and reading too (wow!!) It's really fun to see this skill blossom and also a little scary to think of all the things that are no longer going to fly under her radar. She and I (and Emma!) are reading a chapter book together by one of my favorite childhood authors, Beverly Clearly. It's a fun to have a special activity I do with my girls.
I told Isla the other day that I love her friendliness to others and that it helps me become brave and make friends. Case in point: a few weeks back, a neighbor who we talked to once before we closed on the house, stopped by. We didn't get much past reminding one another of our names before Isla welcomed them in and asked if they could please come up and join her on a tour of the house. The neighbor was obviously touched and commented on how kind we were. Sometimes, you gotta think like a kid, People.
Isla is still very much a mama's girl and I was reminded the other day that this might not be the bad thing I make it out to be. Though I would love a little space every year or so, there are worse things she could aspire to be like, I suppose. Lately, she wants to do everything like me so when I wear rain boots, so does she. :) It's warming this mama's heart.
Pictured above is Isla in a party hat she made for Graham's half birthday. The grocery store didn't have any so we were forced to make our own. I love her enthusiasm and willingness to help. On that note, she's been doing some extra jobs like laundry and dishes to earn some money. Her school is doing a fundraiser for heart disease and it's been fun to watch my little girl go all entrepreneurial on me and get herself some "jobs." It's been also neat to watch her heart of generosity swell as she emptied all that she'd saved for the last year to put toward the fundraiser. Do you see why I'm proud of her yet?