Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Adios, Facebook Phone App

Well, it happened. Facebook is officially off my phone. I wish I could claim some act of great noble-ness that instigated this big step for me. Actually it was nothing of the sort. Maybe ironically so, I was at a social gathering WITH REAL PEOPLE IN THE FLESH this weekend when I went to pull out my phone and noticed that the app wasn't there anymore. This has happened before and so my gut instinct was to go and retrieve it from this mysterious "cloud" in a series of simple clicks. But something in me gave me pause. Call it a sign or an act of God or whatever you will but unfortunately this accidental purse deletion was what it took to make me finally pull the trigger. 
I've been wanting to free myself from this Facebook addiction (truly it is for me!) for quite some time but just couldn't do it. I'm told this is called FOMO. Fear Of Missing Out. Oh man, and I've got a case of it something fierce. I fear that by getting rid of this form of social media, I will miss something big. Some giant life event or achievement or something will happen and I won't know. And guess what? I'm pretty sure this will be the case actually. I've seen it happen - family members missing invitations to parties simply because the only form of invite was via Facebook. But I've gotten (or maybe I'm still getting present tense) to a place where this is ok with me. I trust that my close relationships are strong enough that I will be informed enough. Those that want me somewhere will make sure I know to be there. Does that make sense?
So I've been Facebook phone-free for two full days now. I'm shocked and appalled to realize how many times I reach for my phone to pursue FB. I've caught myself trying to figure out what else to surf to fill the time I've freed. It will be really easy to find a new addiction and so I'm trying to nip those urges in the bud and try something super old fashioned like to talk to people - my kids, my husband, the parents waiting at school pick up and drop off.
I LOVE the Facebook of old - the pictures of people I love and of their kids and the stories about all the hilarious things their kids do and say. But this version is a thing of the past and I want to be more intentional with my time. I love writing and I have come to realize opportunities to do so are not just going to fall into my lap. I have to make time for them. I will be keeping my toe in social media over on Instagram so that I don't totally shrivel up and grow out of touch. And let's be honest, I JUST LOVE INSTAGRAM AND CAN'T GIVE IT UP. I may log into Facebook on the real live computer every once in a while but I want these times to be intentional and not the subconscious time-sucks they have been. So, if you want to keep up with me and my family and the crazy things my kids do and say, check back to this blog, my cooking blog and my Instagram feed. I'll do my best to keep y'all up-to-date there. :)

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