Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jack 16 months

This kid is awesome. He also happens to be incredibly lucky to be alive. In case there was any question before: boys and girls are very, very different. I know that now. Thankfully God made boys with 9 lives, just like cats and though we have had many close calls, Jack is still with us. Every time I turn around, he seems to be balancing precariously on some high piece of furniture or standing on his rocking chair holding his hands in the air with a look in his eyes that says "No hands, Mom!" 
Even though I have to watch him like a hawk, I LOVE this age. He's talking and understanding so much and beginning to repeat words after us. Some new words include hot (which he whispers), wow, this (which is usually his binky), tooth, walk, woof, light and Emma (which actually means up).
He LOVES being outside and has a new affinity for slides at the park. He's quite a daredevil. He can climb up and down stairs with no trouble at all and just needs a little help getting his legs out in front of him before he slides so he doesn't go head first.
In other news, he seems to have claimed his musical passion: DRUMS!
Now that he is walking, running really, he says "walk walk walk" all the time and squirms to be put down so he can book it. We've also noticed a lot of times he'll be walking around the house on his tip toes for some reason.
The sweet boy now has 5 teeth and I'm pretty sure he's getting more based on his behavior. Yesterday he fought sleep all day and then finally fell asleep in my arms for the first time in months. It was heavenly! Love my little cuddle bug.

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