Saturday, February 7, 2015

Isla 65 Months

My 5 year old has done a lot of things to make me proud but can we all just hold the phone a moment here to proclaim it from the rooftops that I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!!!! We have been through enough large transitions to last us a decade over the course of her short life and she is just taking it in stride. She kicked off 2015 with a new hair-do and a new school and both suit her quite nicely, if I do say so myself. 
She is doing half-day Kindergarten at Woodmoor Elementary and I think we are all thankful. Although the school days are short and keep us essentially tied to or near the house in the morning hours, the reduced length has done wonders for the stamina of her attitude "after hours." She comes home chipper and with adequate reserves to make it through the rest of the day. We love her teacher, Mrs. Vendelin and she has said she "couldn't have asked for a better transition" for Isla. She is keeping up if not ahead of the other kiddos in her class and is making friends (though she can't necessarily remember their names...) She misses her "best friend Maya" from her old school very much but we are arranging out-of-school playdates so they can see each other. 
Isla is writing a ton and reading too (wow!!) It's really fun to see this skill blossom and also a little scary to think of all the things that are no longer going to fly under her radar. She and I (and Emma!) are reading a chapter book together by one of my favorite childhood authors, Beverly Clearly. It's a fun to have a special activity I do with my girls.
I told Isla the other day that I love her friendliness to others and that it helps me become brave and make friends. Case in point: a few weeks back, a neighbor who we talked to once before we closed on the house, stopped by. We didn't get much past reminding one another of our names before Isla welcomed them in and asked if they could please come up and join her on a tour of the house. The neighbor was obviously touched and commented on how kind we were. Sometimes, you gotta think like a kid, People.
Isla is still very much a mama's girl and I was reminded the other day that this might not be the bad thing I make it out to be. Though I would love a little space every year or so, there are worse things she could aspire to be like, I suppose. Lately, she wants to do everything like me so when I wear rain boots, so does she. :) It's warming this mama's heart.
Pictured above is Isla in a party hat she made for Graham's half birthday. The grocery store didn't have any so we were forced to make our own. I love her enthusiasm and willingness to help. On that note, she's been doing some extra jobs like laundry and dishes to earn some money. Her school is doing a fundraiser for heart disease and it's been fun to watch my little girl go all entrepreneurial on me and get herself some "jobs." It's been also neat to watch her heart of generosity swell as she emptied all that she'd saved for the last year to put toward the fundraiser. Do you see why I'm proud of her yet?

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