Monday, March 30, 2015

Emma 43 Months

This girl...she's always gonna give us a run for our money!

-and I mean that in a literal sense
-she's discovered this new behavior called running away when we ask her to come
-it's not my favorite
-we were debriefing after one such episode recently, and I asked her "Emma, do we run away from mommy?" Her response? "Yes, because I runned the fastest and you couldn't catch up with me."
-but gah!! how could you not just love a face like hers?
-she's grown equally more adorable as she has testy with each passing day
-she's my most constant kitchen helper and I've almost got her flipping pancakes unassisted
-asks no less than 10 gajillion questions every time you read her a story
-doesn't prefer quiet time and tries to convince me her clock already beeped (our timer) at least 3 times a day
-she has, however, mastered the art of staying in her room til 7 AM - hallelujah!!!!
-recently started having nightmares involving snakes all around her so rarely sleeps through the night anymore (zzzzzz)
-started her very first ballet class and LOVES IT
-it made me feel like the best human being to ever walk the planet watching her glow when I took her
-convinced me to buy a scooter we saw at a second hand store and had it figured out in 2 seconds flat
-didn't qualify for speech therapy through the school district and we are told this is a good thing
-for now we are to work at things at home and making sure she is given opportunity to talk slowly and finish all her thoughts
-stutters the most when super excited and just can't seem to get the words out fast enough or when she has "competition"
-also when asking questions about the book you are reading her
-says her favorite stores are Barnes and Noble and Home Depot
-favorite colors: pink and yellow and purple
-wears dresses and tights every day with an eclectic selection of shoes (usually on the wrong feet)
-she is awesome

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