Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jack turns 1 1/2 (18 Months)

 Aaaaaaaand, suddenly my baby is 1 1/2! How on earth? Graham and I were reminiscing on his little life last night and mutually confessed that we really can't remember much about his babyhood. Was he a good sleeper? Uhhh....yes? I guess since it didn't make a lasting memorable negative impression than probably? And that right there is why I record these sorts of things on this blog!
His actual half birthday felt a little half-hearted but maybe that is fitting? Graham and I had a flight to catch that afternoon but we made a family trip to Starbucks in the morning sort of in his honor (also, we were out of coffee) and treated him to a bagel.
I did actually have the forethought to pick him up a little gift ahead of time which he opened upon returning home.
 Another pack of train tracks for his Ikea train set! He promptly declared the train tunnel a "hat" and used it as such:
Other happenings this month?
He had his first REAL haircut (read: I paid someone to NOT butcher it like I did the time previous. Here is before: 
And after! Such a little man now!
He had a rather rough month physically and spent most of it being held by mom as he suffered from the cranks with cold after cold after cold. It was just icing on the cake when I hit him in the face with a scooter and gave him a black eye for Easter. He still rocked it in his little suit thought! I PROMISE it was an accident!
He burned the midnight oil (quite literally) for a bit there, dancing in our bathroom at ungodly hours while we tried to sleep.
But there were also a few precious moments when he would give in to sleep while I was holding him and it was HEAVEN!
Two of his top molars managed to cut through, unbeknownst to us, and now it looks like his incisors are on their way too. Maybe that explains his sudden rejection of mealtimes? He's been throwing himself backwards and arching and refusing to get in his booster seat and opted out of dinner probably 5 out of 7 nights for a couple weeks there. Except when pasta was on the menu. Man oh man do we have another pasta lover! It's Crozier tradition I guess.

We are praying for a better month next month!

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