Saturday, April 25, 2015

Isla 68 Months

Thank you to everyone who has asked after Isla. I'm happy to report that school is going MUCH better and the last couple weeks she has responded with a resounding "great!" anytime I ask her how school was. I am thrilled that it was as easy as changing her seating assignment and it's nice to have our busy little girl back.

I would say that she is really thriving this month. We've established some new routines and have actually stuck with them so now she is getting herself dressed and making her bed before we are even out of our rooms in the morning. She is even asking to scramble eggs for breakfast. It's amazing what a Morning Routine Chart will do for a rule-following first born!
Ain't she purty?? I took the above picture on a recent mommy daughter date. Right before I launched into a description of what exactly we mean when we say "the birds and the bees." And you think I'm kidding. So, my five year old is now "informed," thanks to the recommendations of a local expert on the topic, Amy Lang. I won't go into the details of our conversation but I do have to share one precious little tidbit. When I told Isla that women have eggs, she immediately cut me off and laughingly said "People don't have eggs. Chickens do!" 
I love spending one on one time with her! The rest of our mommy date included lunch at Starbucks, swinging and playing on the beach at Juanita followed by shopping for beach toys and flip flops at Michael and Walgreens. We had a blast and I think our time together filled both of our tanks.

Isla has been almost as excited about planting our garden as I have. She's been busily helping me fill my pots and water our starts. She's already dreaming aloud about the fruit stand we will set up out front to sell from our bounty. She's an entrepreneur for sure!
A couple weeks back, she and Emma decided to earn money by selling from-scratch lemonade. You can't read the sign in this picture but purchasers had the option of paying $1 or 20 cents - their choice. They sold out in about 30 minutes. Isla was so proud of their work and could hardly stand even a 5 minute lull when her business wasn't booming. The girls proceeded to spend their prophet at Value Village on a couple new toys.
Speaking of toys, Isla definitely loves her stuff! I wouldn't necessarily call her a hoarder but it's borderline. Sometimes I hide things in the bottom of the garbage can (and I'm talking like shards of paper scraps she cut off another project) and she'll discover them and begin WAILING that they weren't trash. Nothing ever is. Included used straws and candy wrappers she finds on the roadside.

After a rather rough season in the obedience department, we've begun implementing some Love and Logic concepts which occasionally involves getting rid of toys as a natural consequence. If you can imagine, this has been quite motivating for my eldest and we've experienced much improved behavior.
We as her parents are finally doing a better job of incorporating reading practice into our daily routine (finally, I know). It's amazing the progress Isla has made even since we began doing this regularly. She is also really loving math and makes up all sorts of equations for fun. We had a blast "tricking" each other with various math problems in the sand (above) on our date awhile back.
Isla LOVES the dentist. She asked daily for the 60 days leading up to her regular check up if today was the day of her dentist appointment. She also tells me just about as often that she has a loose tooth. We found a book at the library about the tooth fairy. She was obsessed with it and requested I take a picture of it's cover and "send it to Costco" so she could bring it to show her dentist. I obliged. 
And boy am I glad I did! You should have seen her glow as the dentist gushed over the picture. You'd think Isla was just awarded an academy award. (Yes, her dentist is awesome). Other news from the appointment: no cavities. And all that chatter about loose teeth? I was embarrassed to learn that the two bottom from ARE actually loose. And here I thought it was just wishful thinking... 

Isla is our ever-busy, ever-social creature and we love her so much!

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