Monday, July 13, 2015

Jack 21 Months

-man, I love this kid
-seems to have a strong affinity for the male figures in his life right now
-I go in to get him from his crib in the morning and he greets me by looking behind me and saying "see Daddy"
-grandpa is also asked after multiple times a day
-FINALLY learned to say please
-also says Hadley, Oliver, Neenee (Lani), egg, apple, baby, hand, walk
-rolls his tongue around his mouth and makes crazy sounds for "banana"
-my absolute favorite though is how he says waters (plural!) 
-just beginning to string together 2-3 words "sentences"
-loves wearing hoods
-VERY particular about his shoes
-despises any and every form of sandal and water shoe
-prefers to rock the heat in his rain boots or too-tight tennis 
-can do small slides independently but thankful maintains a healthy degree of fear toward the bigger ones
-would swing for days and days
-loves to get down and walk (and RUN!) and melts me when he sometimes asks for my hand
 -has done phenomenally well walking by himself on a few short hikes
-often walks around on his tippy toes
-loves owls
-stops and points upward whenever an airplane passes over head and then waves bye
-also has gotten on this kick where he'll randomly start yelling "bye" at the top of his lungs and waving to everyone we pass
-interacting with his sisters tons now
-spends a lot of his time following them around and doing whatever they do
-will occupy himself for a quite a while with the toys in the bonus room
-some favorites are duplos and the fishing game
-speaking of fish, he's proven to be a fearless little fish himself
-loves the water and jumps into it independently and repeatedly now and it is simply THE BEST

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