Sunday, August 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Emma Grace!

To our Emma Grace,

Happiest of Birthdays to our amazing FOUR year old! I will never, ever forget that first week when you came into our lives. It was then that I learned just how deep and fierce a mother's love truly goes. You scared us half to death when you became ill at only five days of age and we are so very, very thankful that you pulled through. Daddy chose your middle name on a bit of a whim shortly after you were born and it couldn't be a more fitting reminder of the grace God has shown to our family.

You have a way of lighting up the life of every last person that you meet. You are a real charmer and you can sneak in snuggles like nobody's business, especially with your grandpas. You are tender and sweet and stubborn and a little bit quirky with a dash of shy thrown in the mix. I never quite know what's going to come out of your mouth from one moment to the next but usually it's hilarious.

I love spending time alone with you. As the middle child, you are more or less destined to either be at the heels of your big sis or leading your little brother around by the end of a stick. One-on-one time is only accomplished with immense forethought and planning but it is so worth it. When I hang out with you, I'm often tempted to ask you questions about your favorite food, color or how you are feeling about starting preschool. But our best times are had when I just keep my mouth shut and let you take the lead. I took you on a date while we were on vacation in Cannon Beach last week. I suggested we take a walk and you enthusiastically took it from there. You wanted to go to the hotel lobby where we grabbed a cup of hot chocolate for you and coffee for me. We sat briefly and then you wanted to go outside. Your cocoa spilled the moment we stepped out the door but you remained calm while I fixed you another. Next you suggested we walk to the beach to "see the big rock." Along the way, we posed for pictures in front of a puffin statue - your request of course. We passed another statue of a sailor and you pronounced him your daddy. Seriously, kid. You're crazy sometimes. The beach was cold and so once we reached it, we took shelter against a wall to sip our drinks and talk. You wanted to show me how you could make a sand angel and then I loved you ten times more because it was so ridiculously adorable. 

Thanks for helping remind me who you really are in the special moments we spent together. Sometimes being three (and now four!) is super tough. We've had a bit of a rough go as of late. And I think I've been handling it all wrong. The root of the issue, I think, is that you need more from us than we're giving you. I was a middle child too so I know how easy it is to get "lost" amidst the siblings who may be the squeakier wheel at the moment. We see you and we love you and you are oh so very special to us. 

You are strong, little one. When you set your mind to something, nothing will sway you. Particularly when it comes to your wardrobe. You will be dripping in sweat but will REFUSE to change out of the wool sweater dress that you insisted on wearing in the 80 degree heat. On other days though, no one could convince you to get dressed by yourself if they tried. You'd much prefer to be babied. 

I love how recently, when you accidentally fall asleep in the car or in some other random location, you exclaim immediately upon waking, "I was just pretending to be asleep" as if it were the worst thing in the world to actually need a little bit of shut eye. I always wanted a kid who would provide me with crazy sleep stories and girl, you are that kid! I have more than my fair share of pictures of you while asleep because you fall asleep in the silliest of places.

It's been fun getting ready for your birthday party. You decided MONTHS ago that you wanted a bat birthday party, since bats are your favorite animal. I've asked you numerous times what you would like for your birthday and all you will tell me is a Stellaluna the Bat cake. I really think you'd be happy with that and that alone. But for the sake of your guests, we also have been working on a bat piƱata because your mama has no idea what else one does for a "bat birthday party" that isn't creepy for other 4 year olds...thanks for always keeping life exciting!

Emma, as you turn 4 and begin preschool, my prayer for you is that you would grow in your knowledge of all things academic but more importantly in your knowledge of God and His never ending GRACE for you. I pray that you would build strong friendships, learning to communicate in a kind and gentle and honest way. I pray that you would continue to draw people in in your charming way. I pray for your relationships with your siblings, that your friendships would continue to deepen and grow. 

You are a precious gift, Emma, and we love you so much! Happy birthday to you!


Mom and Dad

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