Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Isla Pie

To my dear 6 year old Isla,

Happiest of Birthdays to you sweet girl! Or to use your latest acronym note communication style: HBTYSG! I have been thinking a lot about all the words I would write to you in honor of your 6th birthday. I am so proud of the big girl you are becoming! Lately I have watched you as you have really embraced the role of "big sister" to your siblings, particularly your brother. You are so helpful in always making sure he has everything he needs all the way from getting him a glass of water down to assisting him out of his crib in the morning when mommy is "too slow." I love watching you love on and find joy in him.

Recently I took you on a special Mommy Date. We exercised first with you on your bike and me trying to keep up with you with just my two legs. You have gotten so strong and made it 4 whole miles! I would have quit much earlier with the pace you kept me at but you pushed me to keep going. After our run/bike, we went school supplies shopping and you did such a great job making sure we got everything on the list. It gave me so much joy to see how much our time together meant to you. You told me repeatedly how fun it was to just be with Mommy.

I learn so much from you, Isla. This year you are teaching me how to big a good neighbor as we get settled into our "new" house. You are constantly inviting friends over and greeting passersby. If it weren't for your help, I'd probably be a hermit but you've sparked countless conversations with neighbors by loudly saying "Mom, don't you want to meet that person?" in their earshot. It's been really nice for you to make friends in the neighborhood and if you had it your way, you would have them over all the time, all day, for every meal. You will leave one play date and return home and immediately ask if one of the neighbors can come over. Your energy never ceases!

You've taken a special interest in selling things to earn money. First it began with frequent lemonade stands out front but it is beginning to develop into greater and bigger entrepreneurial endeavors. Recently, you have been making jewelry in hopes of someday selling it to earn money for the kids at Children's Hospital. I love your caring heart and thoughtfulness and hope we can figure out a way to make this happen!

Last month, it was a joy to watch you thrive in hosting some of your second cousins and their parents for a few weeks. You had the BEST time playing with them every day and were always so sad when they had other social engagements to attend that didn't include you. I loved watching you make fast friends and then witnessing your tender spirit when it was time to say goodbye. You desperately wanted to get up early when they took off for the airport and when I woke you for the trip, it only took about 2 seconds before you began to cry. You were so sad to have your special friends move away and you cried for most of the morning. It was hard yet so precious for your mommy to watch. I especially liked how you immediately asked "for a trip to Bangladesh" for your birthday present. I hope so, baby girl. I hope so too.  

My prayer for you as you become a 6 year old and go off to first grade is that you would continue to love your friends and family well. That you would always be the one to look out for others and to make them feel included and special. I pray that you would be a light at school and not be scared to stand up for what you believe in, that people would be drawn to you. I pray that you would be strong and that your spirit would be preserved, no matter what sort of hardships may come your way. I pray that you would love Jesus with all your heart and continue to explore what that means at the ripe young age of 6. I pray that you would be confident in who He made you to be and that your faith would never falter. Your dad and I are so proud of you!

Mom & Dad

1 comment:

  1. This is so special! What a gift your letters will be some day for your kids!
