Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 3

On our 3rd day, we headed to the north shore of the island to the Westin to sit in on a "90 minute" timeshare presentation. I don't think we were actually required to go (to get our deal at the Sheraton) but we got an extra $100 cash for meals/activities if we did so we went ahead with it. We rehearsed what we would say when they started pushing the hard sales so we didn't end up buying a timeshare like we did the last time we went to one of these....(Long story but thankfully there is fine print when you sign the papers that allows you 7 days to get out of it without any consequences, which we did.) Anyway, I made sure to mention repeatedly that we are about to have a baby, that we'll be a single income family etc so that he'd know pretty clearly ahead of time that we weren't going to buy. Of course after about 2 hours of blah-de-blah-blah, he still called in his manager to give us the real hard sell and offer all sorts of incentives. When he was done, he told us that he'd leave the room and give us a minute to discuss. By that point we were tired of wasting our time indoors when we could be outside enjoying the sun so I cut him off and said "Actually, I think I can confidently say that we won't be needing any time to discuss because we're not going to be buying today." He made a sly comment like "Wow, you came in completely closed and you're leaving closed." I said "Yes, as we mentioned earlier, we're not sure we're going to even be able to afford our day-to-day bills let alone payments on a timeshare." And we left. Phew! My dad has taught me how to be firm with negotiations in certain situations (thanks Dad!) but I still always feel a little mean. I honestly don't think these guys would have let up if I didn't say what I did so Graham was glad that I jumped in.

We quickly left the presentation and headed to 'Anini Beach for some calm snorkeling, swimming and reading. We had heard that there was an amazing fish taco truck there so we enjoyed a delicious lunch of ono tacos.
On our way back to the hotel, we pulled off at Opaeka'a Falls where we saw this:

We made dinner reservations at this place for a late dinner. After getting all showered and dressed to go, I reminded Graham that it was Thursday night--the night that both Survivor and The Office are on. Now, we really aren't big tv people. We occasionally watching a couple of shows but would never stay home from an activity just because "our show" was on.....or at least so I thought. Graham got a little bit of a crazy spontaneous hair and made the last minute decision to cancel our dinner reservations and instead run out and grab a pizza and a salad to enjoy in our hotel room in front of the tv. Sigh. It was surprisingly delightful after a tiring day and was probably one of the highlights of the trip for me because it was just so random and it felt like we were dating again. :o)

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