Tuesday, August 3, 2010

49 Weeks

What a little monkey! I decided we'd had enough of the cute outfits and opted to document one of my personal favorite "outifts," Isla's adorable baby chub. Someday she'll look back on these and be grateful that her mom posted these for the entire internet to see. I'm sure of it.

Isla is learning things at an extraordinarily rapid pace. Maybe I always say that, but I was probably lying before because it this week it is DEFINITELY true.

On Thursday afternoon, I looked over and realized I'd left the baby gate open and that Isla had climbed up the first stair onto our little landing. Then on Sunday, we decided to just see what she could do. She climbed halfway up the stairs to meet Graham as if it was nothing new! Seriously, how do kids all of a sudden just know what to do? Incredible! Of course I let her practice a couple of other times throughout the day yesterday and she successfully made it to the top TWICE.

Isla loves pointing. She sits in her highchair and points to various people in pictures on our fridge. She points at objects around the room while babbling her baby talk. But she particularly loves pointing directly at people. It turns into a game when we point back at her and "No, you!" I'm sure we will regret encouraging this in the future, as soon real words will accompany the pointing. Didn't my parents teach me that pointing was rude?

Isla reportedly was discovered standing in her crib for the first time at her grandparents over the weekend while we were at work. She's been pulling herself up on other objects a lot but for some reason never transferred that skill to the crib. It all begins...

Remember how I said we were transitioning Isla to a lid-less cup? She's made great progress this week- check it out! I'm really proud of her. We do go through about 2 outfits a day simply due to accidental water spillage with the transfer to and from the highchair tray but she's getting it!

Our sweet girl has been a rockstar sleeper. I'm scared to even say that but....drumroll please...we seem to have finally conquered the napping drama. Her naps are averaging about 1 1/2 hours in length, even when I am home which is a miracle! We seem to have found a good routine of putting her down at 9 AM and 1 PM. I realize this will probably only last a few weeks before it changes again but I'm savoring it for the time being!

We are starting to think about reducing Isla's binky useage. A coworker suggested first transitioning its use to sleep times only so we're starting to say "Goodbye" to the binky and throw it back into the crib when she wakes up in the morning and after naps. We'll see how it goes! She really doesn't "need" it that often. It's just that she tends to like it in the early evening hours before dinner.

This sweet girls continues to be a good eater. I've noticed this week that she particularly enjoys mushrooms. When offered mixed roasted veggies, she tends to pick the mushrooms over anything else. I also made couscous with chickpeas for the first time and she LOVED it. She ate two bowls full and then stuck her face in the bowl to lick it clean when she realized she wasn't getting thirds. Love her!

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