Tuesday, August 10, 2010

50 Weeks

And to think I thought she was busy before....

Graham tried to watch Isla and do homework at the same time for an hour today and got exactly nothing done. I came home to find the kitchen barricaded off, magazines strewn throughout the living room and toys everywhere. Ha ha, welcome to my life! Long gone are the days of multi-tasking while she is at play. She requires pretty much constant supervision. One we get rid of our knife-sharp "coffee table" chest, I think we'll both breathe easier, but until then, we have to stay basically by her side when she is downstairs as she is drawn like a magnet to everything in head-gashing distance from that chest.
 I am amazed at the brains this girl possesses! Even in just a few short days time, she understands new commands. I've been asking her to please put her binky back in the bed after she wakes and we say bye bye to it. It only took a few days before all I had to do was ask and she would throw it back in the crib all by herself!

If only she followed all of my commands....She is SO fascinated by outlets and cable plugs and electrical cords. She makes a beeline crawl straight towards them at a frightening pace. In case you're wondering, yes I do have outlet covers, but how does one cover an unused cable jack? Yesterday, in my sternest voice, I said "Isla, NO!" when she was trying to pick at the jack. She immediately rolled over, laughing hysterically as if hearing me talk like that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. This happened repeatedly throughout the day, each time with me trying to use a more stern and firm voice only to be met by even more giggles. Oh. Dear.

Isla is showing great interest in feeding herself with a spoon over the past couple of days. Of course, I happened to be serving soup (could I have thought up anything more messy?) but she did surprisingly well, all things considered.

I think Isla is finally saying "Mama" and actually associating it with me. Hooray! She also says "Mmnmmmm. Mamamamama" when she wants milk. The two are easily confused, but let's me real here, I'm sure they are one in the same in her mind.

Isla is loving other kids and seems to thrive off the play dates I've been trying to arrange. She tends to be the observer in group settings so far, but we'll see if that sticks!

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