Thursday, August 26, 2010

51 Weeks

This post is rather tardy and actually should be dated 8/17/10 but we've been on VACATION which means we were far too busy for blogging...(It also means we are lacking our traditional bear picture since we were road tripping and couldn't squeeze dear Snowball in the car). Now, the true test will be whether or not I remember what was new with Isla oh so many days ago. Let's see...

She discovered that our laundry basket also doubles as a walker! It happened rather accidentally but I was thrilled at her brilliance as I was about to go out and purchase some sort of push toy that she could use to practice walking. Ha! Such a $$$ saver. It's pretty cute to watch her push the basket up and down the hall. Boy does she get frustrated when she gets stuck in a corner though! We're going to have to work on turning skills next...

Out of no where, Isla became incredibly attached to her stuffed duck, literally overnight. She spent the day with my mom and she commented at the end that "Isla sure loves her ducky. She's been carrying it around all day." And the rest is history! Now it travels with us everywhere. We have the Waldrip family to thank for bringing him into our life. She's learned to "Quack" because of him. It is so cute!

Isla continues to be touch and go with veggies. She usually eats a few bites but doesn't eat them ravenously anymore. Sigh. She's started "sorting" her food, dropping the veggies and other undesired items on the floor. She likes to give me this look first, just to make sure I'm watching. One night she was being particularly testy and was intentionally chucking food and her water cup on the floor. After trying numerous "NO Isla!"s in my most stern and authoritative voice, I realized I was going to have to try another tactic so I gave her hand a little swat. Now get this: she looked at me, smiled, and held her hand out for me to swat again!!! Then she started clapping!!! I'm pretty sure she thought Mommy just introduced the coolest new game...

Goodness, that's all I can remember....weeks 51 and 52 are all muddled together in my brain!

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