Saturday, September 25, 2010

13 Months

And you thought we were done with the bear pictures....

This month has been awesome. Isla is at a super fun stage and keeps us quite entertained. She is learning so much all at once and continues to be busy busy busy. Here are some of the highlights at 13 months:
Isla has learned to give high fives (thanks to the teaching skill of J&R Welch, 9/17)

Isla understands so many commands now. We ask her to "Put the binky in the bed," "Go get your duck," "Turn off the light," "Give me a kiss," "Close the door," "Wipe your face," "Turn around and go backwards" and she knows (and usually does) exactly what we say.

She also understands other important words like "Cheerios," "Milk," "Dog," "Kitty," "Nigh night."

As far as words she can actually say, add "Hi" (9/3?) and "Hat" (9/10) to the list.
(Picture taken at the opening of the South Lake Union Park, 9/25)

If I had to sum up Isla's personality right now using only 2 words, I would describe her as willful yet sensitive. I was sharing this with Graham and started to say "How is it even possible to have those two in combination?" when I cut myself short, realizing that this pretty much sums me up to a tee. She is growing very independent and wants to do most things herself but she can also be quite the mommy's girl. She has become very sensitive to loud noises (such as sudden clapping or laughter which makes her cry) but also to other's emotions. For example, I sort of tripped the other day while carrying her and I think she could sense that I tensed up and began to cry until I told her that I was ok and that it didn't hurt.
Our little underwear model

Isla has developed the most dramatic sad/pouty cry face that I think is the most adorable thing ever. She usually does it in her "sensitive" moments when she is not really hurt but either extra tired or wanting attention and everything sets her off. She makes a huge long O-shape with her mouth and then starts fake crying. I will do my best to get a picture of it for the memory books.
Isla is cruising all over the place now. She started walking hanging on to only one hand earlier in the month (9/1) and progressed to taking her first 2 steps on 9/19! Two steps are still the recond to beat. She also stood for about 4 seconds today. She's getting so close! 

Our sweet child still has no teeth.

Isla and her 2nd cousins...I'm afraid she's destined to be the only girl with the luck on that side! She met Eli and Jack for the first time. These kiddos are a riot together! Isla was quite serious about the whole ordeal.
Isla learned how to turn around backwards to go down the stairs on 9/10. The funny think about it is that she only turns clockwise. Even when it'd be so much more quicker to turn counter clockwise, she takes the long way.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Isla officially weaned as of the one year anniversary of her due date 9/6! She has become quite the sleeper ever since which I have gladly welcomed. She still takes a morning nap that is usually 1-2 hours and an afternoon nap about the same length. She sleeps through the night for 12-13 hour stretches--hallelujah!
Isla is a great eater. Here favorite foods include all things bread/starch, meat, berries, broccoli, veggies with almond butter, Cheerios, cheese and milk. She seemed to like the purple potatoes ok too.
Isla loves to read books, take baths, swing at the park, play peek-a-boo behind the curtain, PLAY WITH OUR CELL PHONES, beat on her drum set and empty my cupboards and drawers.

Isla loves to play, particularly with her Daddy. You can usually count on him to get her laughing until she shrieks. It is so fun to watch them play and hear her squeal.

1 comment:

  1. She's gorgeous. I have 2, now 18 and 19. You must have heard it a 1000 times but enjoy it while you can. It goes so fast.
