Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome back into my life, Sleep.

You have been royally missed. I am finally catching some shut-eye and it has never felt so good! How I have survived the last 385 nights, I honestly do not know. ISLA IS FINALLY SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! And by that I mean sleeping through the night according to MY definition, not the wimpy 5-hour-stretch definition that the books will give (seriously, a man must have made that one!)

I remember at one of our first pediatrician appointments, I asked the doctor "So about when should she start sleeping longer stretches at night?" She chuckled a bit and told me that some breast fed babies never sleep through the night. I'm sure I could have slapped her. I definitely thought she was CRAZY and  decided my baby would never be like that. I mean seriously, no one ever talks about not sleeping for an entire year when they have kids, do they? Maybe you all just spared me. Ha!

Regardless, Sleep, my life is much better with you around. Please stay awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Heh....don't worry, I'm sure you'll have plenty of teething nights to keep you up again! ;P See...this is maybe why we though "sure, let's have another one real quick" we thought getting the baby years over and done with was best!! I'll let you know how it goes... lol...
