Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pregnancy 2: 36 Weeks

(Taken at 36 weeks, 8/3/11. By the way, has anyone else noticed I'm looking more and more tired in all these photos? Gotta work on that!)

The countdown is on!! It's time to make your bet!! Boy? Girl? Birthdate? Weight (of baby, NOT me)?

Here's mine:
August 16th (wishful thinking I know!)
7 pounds, 8 ounces

Here's Graham's:
August 15th (he thinks my working 4 days in a row will facilitate some action)
8 pounds

So far everything is checking out great at all my doctor appointments. I'm thankful for a healthy pregnancy so far! At my appointment last week, my doctor said "Wow! This baby is growing!" and left it at that. I had to interrogate him a bit to get more info to make sure his comment was positive. He is calling this baby "medium" and says Isla was also "medium" (she was 7lb, 4 oz at birth). My next appointment is on Monday so I'll be close to 37 weeks then we'll start weekly appointments from there.

I caught a cold last week which was pretty miserable but it is past now. It might be my pre-labor routine as the same happened with Isla. However, she came mid-illness because I recall not being able to breathe through my nose during labor which was quite lovely.

For the most part, I've caught myself saying that I am more comfortable this month than I was in months past. There were some pretty rough days during the week of my cold when I cried over the old lady state of my body (oh the things no one ever warns you about!) but all in all, I'm feeling pretty good.

I think we finally settled on a boy name this week! I adore it and so does Graham. It was a front runner for Miss Isla had she been a boy. The girl name is a different story. I think we have at least 11 or 12 names on our running list but can't seem to settle on any of them. We LOVE Isla's name so much and can't seem to agree on a good match. Please don't judge us if we have a name-less child for a few days (or weeks).

This week my coworkers have lavished me with many positive compliments for which I'm so grateful! I've heard: "You're the picture-perfect pregnant person," "You look great," and "You can't possibly be that far along." YES PEOPLE! THIS is what a pregnant girl needs to hear!! I see absolutely no reason to mention my back fat thank you very much.

My weight gain has tapered off over the past few weeks. I've stayed about the same for ~3 weeks which is good because I'm just over the high end of goal (by 1 pound only!) The baby must be stealing from stores I built up in earlier trimesters because he/she continues to grow!

Newsflash: I went camping last weekend at 35 weeks pregnant! Not something I would necessarily recommend but now I can say I did it. We only went for one night (because we'd all been down and out with colds) and it was a good thing because I got ~2.5 hr sleep.

I have been feeling SO excited this week to meet this little one. I mean, way excited.

The shelf we bought months ago is finally up in the kids' room, newborn diapers are set out and ready, I have a box of newborn boy stuff from my sister washed and ready should it be needed, I have what I can set out for my hospital bag....I'd say we're just about ready! Oh, except for that name thing. Details....


  1. I think you and Lani are are/were the most beautiful pregnant women ever! Love you!

  2. You have back fat? Some people are seriously crazy! You're all adorable baby bump and that's it. I can't believe baby 2 is almost here and Isla is nearly two. We found out I was pregnant with Adalyn on Isla's birthday. Time goes soooooo fast.

  3. Hey Lady! You look great :) Here's my vote:

    August 20th
    8lb 3 oz (just to make a diff guess)

    look forward to seeing you soon :)

  4. I'm guessing:
    August 29th (sorry)
    8lbs 1oz

    Also, I'm jealous of your skinny pregnancy arms. Why didn't I get those? :o)

  5. My guess is boy
    September 3rd!!
    7 lb. 12 oz.

  6. Girl (so I can bring you clothes of course!)
    Sept 2nd
    8lbs 1oz

  7. PS - you look totally adorable!!!
