Tuesday, August 2, 2011

She makes me cry

To all you mamas out there: do you ever have one of those days or weeks where you just can't get over how much you love your little one/s? I have been trying so hard to focus on cherishing these last few weeks alone with Isla and I must say, I've been blessed beyond measure! Call me sappy or call it the hormones or just take it for what it is, BEING A MOTHER IS AMAZING!

Tonight, Isla and I walked to the grocery store together in the after-dinner sunshine. We walked hand in hand and talked the whole way about how bright the sun was, about how we hoped the store would have one of those carts with a car attached that she could ride in, about how the milk was "all gone" and we needed to buy more, about how noisy certain cars were. It's the little things, but I couldn't get over how precious she is as I recollected our day to Graham. I just loved how she asked me to carry her today, how she grabbed my belly and yelled "Hi baby!!!", how we blew bubbles together and she told me she wanted them to pop against her legs, how she sat on a chair the entire time while I made dinner, watching my every move and keeping me company, how she asked for help spreading out a blanket on the living room floor and then she patted the floor and asked me to sit so we could "make pancakes" again like we pretended to yesterday, how she cries "Mommy come" when she wakes up in the morning or after a nap.

It's a pretty incredibly feeling to be adored and this girl has made me feel like the best mom in the world over the past few days. She makes me cry......in a very good way.

1 comment:

  1. this is so sweet. I am so in love with our little boy too..every little stage is something different I'm sure! SO excited for this next adventure for you guys.
