Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pregnancy 2: 37 Weeks

(37 Weeks = TERM! Taken 8/10/11)

-I always wondered why people got so anxious to deliver toward the end of pregnancy. I never felt that with Isla (maybe because she was 12 days early?) Now I have become one of "those people." I am very, very ready to meet this child.
-At my appt Monday, my doctor said I measured smaller and that he was having a hard time feeling the baby's head (by touching the outside of my belly). I believe what he said was that the head was "way down." Yipee! He also said not to get my hopes up but "things are looking really good and history tends to repeat itself" so I should be ready any time.
-My coworkers are now all commenting that it looks like I've dropped. Today the attending neonatologist even told me I look smaller than yesterday. Brownie points for him!
-All this dropping might explain the severe gastrointestinal distress that has accompanied this week. Basically I think the baby is "cramping my style" and causing very painful bloating and gas pains whenever I eat. Gosh, hope this drama is short-lived! It's sort of miserable to be honest.
-All of a sudden I'm getting up ~7 times a night (up from the prior 2) to use the little girl's room. More proof that baby's head is in position. I've also begun to experience some insomnia (I count myself blessed that it is only showing up now!)
-My bag is finally packed and it goes with me when I venture more than 30 minutes from home.
-Every time I start crying lately (which I'll admit is a lot), I wonder "Could this be it?" I had the weirdest surge of uncontrolable emotions a few hours before my water broke with Isla. It makes me wonder if that's the way labor begins for me. But they definitely weren't like "regular" emotions. It was seriously the most insane roller coaster of random waves of emotion ever. I think it scared the bejeebers out of Graham.
-We maybe probably might have a girl name (or two) settled on now. We haven't discussed middle names much though...we'll save that for the ride to the hospital! :)
-I have, on a number of occasions, experienced some major cramping and ever-so-briefly thought to myself "What? Is my period coming?" Then I proceed to slap my forehead and remember Um yeah, those would be CONTRACTIONS! They are coming quite frequently throughout the day now and are definitely not painless like they were the first go around. My dr says this is completely normal.
-Tuesday would be a really convenient day for baby to arrive. A lot of friends/family will be leaving town after that and I'd love for them to meet the wee one.


  1. I guess I'd better get my bags packed, too!

  2. I was just thinking about you and wondering if there's been any progress over the weekend. :)

    You looks super cute with that belly!
