Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dear Isla

Dear Isla,

Today you turn 3 years old. THREE years! It was on this day three years ago that you fulfilled one of my biggest dreams and made me a mama. You are a beautiful, tender-hearted and independent girl and I love every part of you. I've never known a child to take on the world with such curiosity. You want to know the whats and whys and hows of every single thing we pass every second of the day. You are hilarious and I can never quite anticipate what is going to come out of your mouth. Lately you love to talk about Jesus, disobedience and Mickey Mouse's house, sometimes all three at once.

Last night my heart nearly burst when we were at the Farmer's Market and you heard music playing. The sparkle in your bright eyes as you looked up and said "Hey Mom! Let's go dance!" was priceless. How could I say no? You were the first in the crowd to think of turning the grass into a dance floor. I can't even begin to describe how my heart swelled with pride as you ran out in front of the musicians and just started to twirl. I so admire your free-spirit and courage. I hope you never lose it. And maybe you could share some of it with me?

You are a strong girl and I have no doubt you will go places. I pray that your dad and I would parent you well, create an enviroment where you thrive, nuture your little personality, and teach you channel that will power to do big things. But mostly I pray that we would help you to understand with full confidence that you are loved beyond measure, for who you are, by us but even more so by our great God.

You are my curly beauty and I will always love you. No matter what. Happy, Happy Birthday Isla Girl!


1 comment:

  1. Precious. It's evident that you love Isla dearly and are great parents to her. Happy birthday, Isla!

    - Valerie
