Thursday, August 2, 2012

Emma: 11 Months

Emma's development this month has been incredible! She started crawling on July 5th and my life will never be the same now that I have two mobile children. Sometimes I wish I could be in two places at once, like when I stumble upon the youngest embracing the plunger...
She is really pulling herself up on things now which is super exciting for her because she has access to so much more (the toilet bowl, drawer contents, folded clothes in the laundry basket). She can get her own toys out now which actually is rather convenient. We finally lowered her crib down to the lowest setting last night after walking in to find her gripping the rail and jumping up and down just the way her older sister was modeling for her.
It's amazing how much Emma understands. The other day Isla was trying on her sunglasses with Emma looking on. Before I knew what was going on, she'd crawled over to Mr. Potato head, took his glasses and was trying to put them on. So smart!!

She learned how to wave this week though she holds her hand the wrong way and like she is beckoning you. It's adorable! She also plays peekaboo and hides behind her hands when you ask "Where's Emma?"
She loves reading books, Isla's "Tails" one in particular, and she wants to do it herself and gets upset when anyone tries to turn the page. She has also started dancing when she hears music and loves to drum out beats on the furniture. 

She has learned how to make the "yuck" sound in the back of her throat and does it back to you when you tell her something is yucky or owie. She also learned how to spit which is quite hilarious. She usually does it when she is nursing and that's how I know she's done. I hear her spitting and look down and she gives me the biggest grin back. She's got a sense of humor, that's for sure! 
Isla and Emma have begun to fight already. They absolutely LOVE playing together but we do have the occasional sharing war. Emma SCREAMS at Isla if she tries to take her toys and then they end up in a tug of war. Sometimes I can't help but laugh - how does my 11 month old already know how to fight!?

 This next picture is a little out of focus but it really captures the blueness of her eyes. Emma is screaming a lot during mealtimes (and it seems to coincide with when her tray doesn't contain any bread). We've been teaching her sign language for "more" and "all done" to help her learn a form of communication other than screaming. She is getting it and waves her little hands when she it done.
Emma continues to nurse only on one side. She seemed to be fairly content with this arrangement but I was somewhat paranoid after talking to the nurse at my doctor's office (who, by the way, OBVIOUSLY didn't have children....) Anyway, Emma had a cold that she just couldn't kick so I took her in just to be sure it wasn't an ear infection or something. I was grateful for the opportunity to have her weighed and talk to a doctor in person. Sure enough, she jumping UP percentiles on the weight chart so our little routine is working fine. I plan to wean her at a year but at the time being continue to nurse her ~4 times/day.

We pulled out the kiddie pool for the first time this month and Emma was in heaven. She loves being in the water and with her new-found crawling skills, she makes her way around the pool and bathtub with ease.
 It only took about 2 minutes before she figured out what she could do with the pool toys. She was unstoppable and chugged at least 3 cups of water. Now when she gets in the pool, all she wants to do is drink it.
If that doesn't sum up my sweet girl, I don't know what will! :)

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