Friday, August 17, 2012

San Juan Islands - Day 4

It just so happened that the Courter family was also on the island with their family over the same weekend as us. We decided to meet up at their private, sandy beach which was awesome! The kids got to play in the sand.
And the adults and kids alike got to take the kayaks out! Isla loved it and wanted to go out again with me when it was my turn. There was a whole herd (?) school (?) of seals swimming by that took interest so the kids got to see them up close.
These girls are 1 month apart and I pray that grow to be fast friends because their parents really like each other too.
Benny Boy!
We stayed at the beach until it started raining on our parade at which point we returned to the house for naps. Graham and I lucked out because both girls went down together which provided us with a moment to lay out and read in the sun (it was warm back on the north side of the island).
The girls at play
We ordered takeout Thai food for dinner...
...and Emma discovered a really cool new game to play with her plate.

1 comment:

  1. This looked like such a fun vacation! What a special time with friends. Makes me really miss the NW ... a lot!
