Saturday, October 27, 2012

Isla: 38 Months (3 yr, 2 mo)

Oh Isla Pie,

You are growing more tender and affectionate by the day! Sometimes you walk up to me and kiss my leg or when there is silence in the car, you fill it with "Mom, I love you!" You''ve caught on to my daily question "What was the best part of your day?" and have begun to ask it of me in return.

You say the funniest things:
-"No Mom. I'm not hurting her. I'm riding her! She's going reeeeeally slowly" (see picture).
-Only you would see sweet potato fries and ketchup and say "I want some carrots and hummus," mistaking them for the latter,
-Sometimes when we are driving, you hear a song on the radio and exclaim "They sing this one at Grandma and Grandpa's church!" I used to believe you until I realized you were saying it about just about every song.
-You: "It's such a beautiful day today!!" Me (looking at the totally overcast, gray sky): "Oh, so you like this kind of weather do you?" You: "Look at all the pretty colors on the trees!"
-The other day you were scared to let the ducks eat straight from your hand so you dug for any excuse not to: "But I don't want to give them my cold!"
-Me: "How was your dinner Isla?" You: "My dinner was really, really good! Why didn't I eat it?"
-Then of course the best yet: "When will it be time for the boy who loves Jesus and wants to marry me to come over?"

Every morning I wake to at my bedside, attempting to crawl in. You are an early riser!
You almost gave up naps this month, much to my dismay. I love you dearly but that short segment after lunch is sometimes the only moment I have to myself! For about 2 or 3 weeks, I would put you down for your nap and then hear you upstairs, opening and closing the dresser drawers, the shades, the closet door, the bedroom door.... We tried everything: taking away Ducky, removing pre-nap story priviledges but you held your ground and refused to stay in bed. I finally resorted to a stay-in-bed sticker chart and once it was filled, we took a family bus trip to downtown Kirkland to have snacks at a coffee shop and check out books from the library. 
 Your favorite songs right now are "Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man" and "I Like to Move It Move It." Sometimes we'll be in the middle of doing something and you'll stop everything and run into the living room to throw down a couple dance moves.
You picked out your own Halloween costume this year. At first you told me you wanted to be a carrot. I only wish I would have had enough time and energy to make that happen but we only had a couple hours. You did make a rather darling penguin in a pinch.
 Have you ever wondered how penguins go down giant inflatable slides?
 Now you know!

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