Thursday, February 28, 2013

Emma 18 months (1 1/2 years)

-still sweeter than all get out
-now sporting all 4 molars + front upper left for 10 teeth in total
-ever-so-intrigued by dogs but remains skeptical
-mothering instincts have kicked in and she loves to burp, swaddle and feed her babies
-very observant and knows where stuff goes in the kitchen (great dishwasher emptying help!)
-she's cute and she knows it
-not many new words this month but she did add "grandpa" to her repertoire:
-still loves wrapping clothes, towels, whatever around her head and neck
-got a new backpack!
-no longer walking but RUNNING, including away from me when trying to load her in the car
-her new favorite activity is sitting on the counter and "helping" me cook
-she's an eater! (read: don't let her get her hands on the craisins....)
-went for about 3 weeks straight quite possibly without eating a single veggie. I acted casual, practiced what I preach and continued to serve them and not make a big deal of it. After quite the hiatus, this week she's back to downing kale chips, broccoli, peas and green beans. Phew. 
-loves music, dancing and playing the piano
-spends a lot of time reading in her room, often in the leather chair in her closet
-has a new "scrunchie face" that has proven nearly impossible to capture on film. (This is the best I've come up with but usually her eyes are closed too.)
-has a slight temper to her and lets us know when she disagrees
-still (barely) taking 2 naps
-goes to bed at 7 PM and wakes whenever her sister starts making noise (usually ~ 6:45 AM)
-my snuggle bug
-LOVES watermelon (like even more than bread!!!)
-has gone happily to the nursery 4 times running - yay!
-almost fitting size 24 month clothes!
-loves her daddy and reaches for him with arms outstretched anytime he arrives home and she's still up
-nicknames include "Emmy, Emma Bear, M&Ms"
-so much like her dad it's ridiculous 
-and incredibly endearing

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