Thursday, March 28, 2013

Isla 43 Months

Oh dear Isla pie, you are....

....ever so into your little baby doll. You even went as far as to convince me to make her a binky that we taped to her face. You get her dressed in her pjs every night, swaddle her and put her down in the oatmeal carton next to your bed. Sometimes you wake up telling me you didn't get enough sleep because your baby kept you up.
 ....really into my Tupperware. I never have any when I need it because you either have them filled with water and piled throughout the house or you are using them for your pretend picnics.
 ....still doing daily "quiet" time though in reality it is anything but quiet! I think you desperately need to revert back to naps but you fight them with your ever-so-strong will power. But anytime we strap you in a car seat in the afternoon, you are asleep in seconds. Go figure!
 ....a little heater bug! You are always claiming to be hot and are rarely found fully clothed. I feel like the thing I say most often each day is "Isla, where are your pants?" You also love to change into your swim suit. The instant you found out we are going to Hawaii, you began to pack. I find backpacks and bags everywhere ready "for Hawaii" and your swimsuit is always in them. We have you booked for swim lessons in June and you are insisting that you will wear goggles so you "don't get your eyes wet." :) You don't hesitate one bit to tell everyone we meet about our trip.
....into asparagus! We just discovered this yesterday (yay for spring produce!) but I think you had 4 helpings at dinner alone and kept asking if you could have more. You also would eat raisins all day every day if we let you (see picture above).
....a great eldest cousin. You love your cousin Gid and especially like telling him exactly what to do. Sometimes he wants to play his own way but usually he's a good sport.
....a crack up. Lately we've been talking a lot about the weather. You coined a new term: "sunny clouds!" They are the white puffy ones we see in combination with blue sky. I love the way you think! You are also really into discussing days of the week, months of the year and the time of day. You have your birthday memorized and are beginning to be able to determine the hour of day by looking at an analog clock. 
 ....very into coloring. And taping. I think we've had a school of seahorses taped to walls around the house for a good month now. You used to just tape up tiny torn pieces of plain white paper but now you're displaying some real works of art. I love it!
....officially done with your very first dance class. I LOVED watching you "perform" on this special day. You were so brave going to this class every week and made me proud as I watched everything you learned.
....talkative yet shy, curious about everything in the world, a mama's girl, concerned for others' well-being, a great leader, a tender-hearted soul. I love you sweet girl!

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