Saturday, March 30, 2013

Emma 19 Months

Emma is officially our goof ball and loves to make us laugh. She knows how to get the crowd going and is a good social laugher, always inserting her fake cackle when appropriate. I ADORE these jammies by the way!
Emma started talking this month! She says elbow, cheese, please (sort of sounds like a bee buzzing), duck, amen, Isla, tickle tickle (sounds like she's gargling) and dog. She attempts to repeat things after you which is new.
If you ask her a question, she'll almost always respond with an exuberant "YEAH!" It's the best. If ever you're feeling doubtful, you can ask her things like "Do I look OK?" or "Am I a good parent?" or "Do you want to go grocery shopping?" and she'll answer you like it's the best suggestion she's ever heard in all her life.
We are officially a BINKY-FREE household...for the next 7 months at least!! We took away Emma's binky just before our anniversary getaway (good timing!) and it went fairly ok. I was expecting much worse. I took away the one she always held in her hand first and replaced it with her stuffed piggy "Olivia." Then came the one in the mouth which resulted in some sad bedtimes, increased cuddles and shortened naps. BUT, it didn't last long, she's adjusted now and her dentist will thank us. She dropped her AM nap this month and now sleeps once daily.

In other news, her mother finally figured out how to do her hair and we went from this: this (her first ponytail!): 
.... most often this: 
Emma loves being outside and has joined me out there on many occasion over the past week. She's been "helping" me plant my garden and seems to eat a mouthful of dirt every time. 
 She loves to snuggle, one of the many things I adore about her. She'll sit in your lap for long periods of time and keep you company, especially if you are rubbing her back! She's a hugger and a kisser and gives both out frequently. I love how her face lights up when either Graham or I arrive home and she comes running to greet us at the door.
 She is very much like her Daddy which is so fun. The other day he set her up with a magazine and a cozy blanket and she sat there on the couch for a good 20 minutes reading. She's laid back and usually isn't in any sort of a hurry and spends her day savoring and taking things in. I think she's going to be a wanderer too! She isn't hardwired with the same innate need to be within 10 feet of me at all times (like her sister). She sees no need to "check in" and will just take off in any and every direction.
It's been sunny in Seattle (have you noticed!!!?) and so we've been spending a lot of time at the park. Emma is my little dare devil and seems to have no fear! She can maneuver the play structures with ease and has even been caught at the highest parts, grabbing the bars and leaning out to look down at the ground below. Her favorite activity is the slide which she's managed to figure out all by herself. She's also mastered the art of going down stairs standing up which she thinks is pretty cool. She's actually pretty good at it but it sometimes nearly gives me a heart attack.
 Emma has grown really interested in babies this month which is super exciting to me. She went from being incredibly jealous when I would hold and feed her cousin a bottle a couple months ago to wanting to get in on all the action. My parents watched all 4 grand kids and she reportedly fed Lilly both of her bottles AND burped her. I watched them last week and she did the same. In fact, she would hear me burping Lilly from another room and come RUNNING to help. Yay - big sister prep!
 On another note, she just adores her Grandpa. I don't know if he's been sneaking her doughnuts on the side to win her favor or what but these two have a really special bond that's heart-warming to watch. Every time I say the word "grandpa," she looks out the front window to see if he's here. Uncle Ben came for a visit this month and Emma wasn't shy at all. She seems to really enjoy all the men in her life! :)
She got to jump on a trampoline for the first time and LOVED. IT. I could not get her to come off! She loved laying on her back while the other kids jumped around her. If they stopped jumping, she'd thrash her legs and try to get herself going again - so hilarious! She could hardly stay on her feet but had an absolute ball.
We just love our little goof!

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