Friday, July 26, 2013

July 4th in the Ham

We both had the 4th of July off this year (hallelujah!) so decided to scoot off to Bellingham for a few nights and Grandma and Grandpa's. I always forget how much I love this holiday. I'm training Isla well because even still she asks "What is that day where we where red, white and blue?" and "What happens if we don't?" I think she now has St Patty's Day confused with every other holiday and is worried she will get pinched if she doesn't adorn herself with the right color. :)
We were a rather festive sight if I do say so myself. Isla insisted on wearing her heals.
Pop-It's were the new fun trick this year. Emma thought everyone was just throwing rocks and was happy to join in (and Isla was happy not to have to share her fireworks!) 
We played croquet, ate nuts and bolts and hung out all afternoon. Ben and I snuck away and spent a half hour filling up 3 tubs of water balloons. The kids had a blast...for the whole 3 minutes they lasted. Later Isla returned to her Pop-It box for another round in heels and a swimsuit!
After putting the kids down for a short evening nap, we pulled them out of bed and headed downtown Bellingham for the Blast Over the Bay. We were treated to a gorgeous sunset.
Isla was so excited (maybe the M&Ms in the nuts and bolts were part of that)
Emma was totally and completely freaked and finally settled with her head in Graham's armpit, attempting to block out all the noisy chaos around her.
This video captures just a small snippet of Isla's firework enthusiasm. We literally spent the entire 20 minutes of the show listening to her squeal and say "That one was my favorite!" after every firework. She always can make me smile!

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