Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Emma (or is it Emmy?) 48 Months

 This girl is her own unique ball of wax and we love her dearly! We just never know what sort of curve ball she's going to throw our way. Most recently, it was a name change. You expect those sorts of things when they're teenagers but when they are 4? Oy vey.

 Originally we'd strongly considered naming her Emmy. It was Isla's idea and we both really like it and nearly pulled the trigger but switched it up to a more traditional Emma at the last minute because "it would look better on a resume." Long story, but that's the short of it. We decided we would call her Emmy as a nickname but it just never really happened. Until two weeks ago. I went on my typical Saturday morning run and somewhere in my two hour absence, her name officially changed to Emmy. I mean, we're talking all the way down to the sign on her door. Big sis was quick to step in and make sure she know how to write a Y in place of an A and, just like that, apparently it became official. Further exploration soon revealed that daddy was the one to "change" her name. Dear Husband, I love thee. But sometimes....SOMEtimes!

Before we knew what was happening, she was correcting both family and strangers alike. And apparently teachers, which I found out when I was pulled aside quizzically by one of them who stated she was telling them all that her name wasn't Emma anymore because her "daddy changed it to Emmy." Lemme just say that was an interesting one to try and explain... I quickly forced *cough* I mean encouraged Graham to sit down and have a little chat with Emma to inform her that her name is still Emma (and that all her name tags at school are going to read Emma) but that Emmy can be a nickname if she likes it. She has mostly since forgotten and answers happily to both. Seriously. The crazy things we do as parents!

Speaking of her name, she does an excellent job of writing it ON ANY AND ALL SURFACES OF OUR HOME. It's on the back of her door (I mean, in case you forget what room you are in in the middle of the night), on her backpack (in Sharpie), on the wall and the table. When confronted on who might possibly have written her name everywhere, she's quick to tattle: "Jack!" ;)

Even if she does try to blame her trespasses on her brother, man oh man does she ever love him! The two of them play SO well together and will disappear upstairs in the late morning hours and pass the time laughing and giggling and doing who knows what. Yesterday I set them up with a spray bottle of water and a mop to "clean" the chalk dust out off the bonus room floor. They had such a blast spraying each other in the face that I could hardly stand it.  
Emma told me this month that she has a boyfriend. Isla laughed it off and said that no she didn't but Emma was quick to refute that yes she did because he was a boy and he is her friend. For a second I thought they were teenagers with how the conversation went down. Emma's "boyfriend" is super cute and they had a blast together at the pumpkin patch and apparently at school too.

I'm just DYING to know what Emma is like in the classroom setting. I literally have no idea because she's always been one to keep me on my toes. Whatever the case, I'll bet she is a riot! We have our first parent meeting next week at her preschool and I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say about her. She can write most all of her letters now and is enjoying asking how to spell things, just like her big sis. She LOVES school and I am so grateful for that.

Other tidbits about her: 
Emma definitely is my snuggle bug
She is super tender with her little brother
And she likes to teach him all sorts of cool things like how to talk potty talk
She's taken the reigns as the early riser around here
She loves dressing up
And reading books
She knows just what buttons to push to irk her big sister
She always wants to help me in the kitchen
She loves her little buddy Leif
She's a doll and you can't help but love her

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