Friday, October 10, 2008

My Interviews

Yesterday was the big day! I must say that it was far more exhausting than a regular work day but I would highly recommend having interviews on the same day! After completing one, the second was nothing and I found that a lot of the questions that I was asked were the same anyway. ;o)

So, here's the run down...

First interview (Children's Center in Everett): panel of 6 people, 2 of which I already work closely with, 2 that I have met before, and 2 that were entirely new faces. They utilized a system called "Select Interviewing" where all candidates for any and all job opening are asked the exact same questions to keep everything consistent. The questions were very behavioral based and thankfully I had lots of stories to share that fit all 25 or so questions. All in all, I think that it went really well! I felt at ease and was SO excited by the work environment and the general vibe I got from the panel (it REALLY helps to know the people that I interviewing you!) Anyway there are 2 other applicants to interview so it will probably be 2 weeks or so until I hear anything, but as I was walking out the door, the manager kind of paused, got a smile on her face and said "I'm pretty sure you'll be getting a call from us." Woo-hoo! It sounds promising!

After the interview, I had enough time to come home for a bite to eat and then Graham decided to drive me to the 2nd interview at Children's Hospital and then meet a friend at Starbucks. Bad idea! He had coffee w/ his friend Brant for about 1 1/2 hours and then decided he should probably head back to the hospital to come get me (even though I said I would call him when I was done). He waits at the hospital for about another hour and then starts really freaking out. He's thinking "what could possibly be taking her this long!? I bet something happened to the phone and she tried to call me but couldn't get through..... and then started walking towards U Village and got hit by a car.....etc.....etc......lots of worry..." I guess he even came into the hospital and was asking all the receptionists if they had seen a 23 year old with brown hair use a phone anywhere (for the record, I'm 24!) He thought about coming down to nutrition services to ask them how long it had been since I left their office. Poor guy! Thankfully he didn't go that far because he would have barged in on my THREE HOUR INTERVIEW!!!!

Phew! I started by meeting the 2 current renal dietitians and we just chatted about this and that with a lot of awkward silences. This lasted about 1 hr and 20 minutes and then I moved on to meet with the manager who was very nice and told me a lot about Children's visions and goals. Then we got into the interview questions. I found the hardest question that she asked me was "Why do you want to be a renal dietitian?" I found myself thinking "Do I even want to be a renal dietitian?" And so that kind of decided it for me. I think I would love working at Children's Hospital--I would love the environment, the people and what they stand for- but I just don't think this position would be the right fit. I hope that doesn't mean I've burned by bridge for the future, but if they do call back for a 2nd interview, I think I will be telling them no.

So that's where I'm at today. I'm thrilled that the hard part is over but am surprised by how relaxed I was at both interviews. I'm sure that was only the result of lots of prayer!

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