Friday, October 24, 2008

Today I dialed 911

So I was leaving work when the following scene unfolds:

I'm driving along Broadway when I pass a couple of strip mall (7-11ish type) shops next to a gas station. Out of nowhere, a man comes booking it out of the store, running along the sidewalk as fast as he possibly can, looking back occasionally as he runs. It was pretty much a blur because he was going so fast but I see him zipping into the gas station where I presumed would be his "getaway car." Acting on instinct, I take an immediate right next to the gas station to get off the main road and do something. (What I was going to do I'm just not quite gut said not to lose sight of the guy). To my surprise, he did not jump in a car at the gas station but ran into the alley right by where I had pulled over. Someone else apparently saw this suspicious activity go down and also had pulled over. He was dressed in nice slacks and dress pants actually got out of the car and approached the runner with fists raised. Then things get a little odd....The runner looks for a minute like he is going to try and knock the lights out of this nice business man, but instead he lifts up his white t-shirt and exposes his giant beer belly (I wish I would have had my window down to hear the verbal exchange because I certainly felt like I missed something!) At this point, I decided I should disappear because in Everett, crazy people like this carry guns and I wasn't about to get shot just for trying to be a good citizen. I was already on the phone with the cops and so I sped away quickly, giving them my best description of the runner. I hope they catch him! I don't know what he did, but he sure looked like he didn't want to be caught.

Good ole' Everett--gotta love working is such a classy city!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds rough!

    So what happened with those jobs you interviewed for? Any update?

    Maybe you should switch to Childrens in Seattle! ;)
