Monday, December 21, 2009

Ogden, UT and Beyond!

We had a wonderful trip last week to visit our friends Glendon & Kaytee. Graham & Glendon were room and housemates for 3 of their 4 years in college and were in each others' weddings. It was great to go down to see their nesting grounds (which we've been promising to visit for the past 3 years--now that their house is on the market and there is a possibility they might leave the state, we jumped on it and booked flights). Isla was a champ on the flight down. In the airport, I kept telling myself: Stay calm. Breathe. Make it look easy carrying 2 bags and a baby. We arrived at our gate and boarded right away. No time to dilly dally. Well, okay so we dillied and dallied just long enough to board with lattes in hand (and a baby and a diaper bag, duffle bag, camera and two heavy winter coats). One fellow traveler looked at us and said "Wow, you're adventerous!" Yeah or something like that. Really it was actually quite easy but I did look at Graham and say "Imagine doing this with FOUR kids!" No wonder we did road trips when we were younger...

Our trip involved lots of snow (and snow shoveling for the boys), GREAT food (both at home prepared by Kaytee and out), a trip to Park City to play tourist and see the site of the winter Olympic Games, a visit to the local air force base, a drive through downtown Salt Lake, relaxing and reading and movie watching. I couldn't get over how beautiful the area was. They lived basically right at the base of one of many mountain ranges. I went running one day and it is amazing how much easier to exercise it is when your view is all snowy mountains! The Butes were fabulous hosts (I highly recommend that you pay them a visit--I promise you will eat well and really enjoy yourself). We came back feeling very refreshed. Thanks for having us Glendon & Kaytee!

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos! Where did Isla's hair disappear to? It looks lighter in color too. Hailey's hair is lighter as well. See you on the 27th!
