Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Isla 54 Months

-When leaving a play date, asks whoever we are with if we can do it again tomorrow
-Hates having her hair combed and asks me to cut her hair all the time
-But loves pretending I'm her hairdresser when washing her hair the bath 
-Sometimes comes home from preschool and tells Emma "I've been with people ALL day and need sometime to myself!"
-Really good at cheering Jack up and keeping him entertained
-Doesn't like being called silly
-Spends a good chunk of her spare time crafting and drawing princesses
-Favorite Bible story is Moses which she likes to reenact with her babies
-Always has at least one baby or stuffed animal in tow
-Getting really fast on her new bike!
-Loves being my little helper around the house
-Enjoys school when she's there but lately asks to stay home if she knows I'm doing something fun (she doesn't like to miss a thing!)
-Learning upper and lowercase and now can write her name properly (except she leaves out the "a" because she says she "needs help")
-She's like me in a lot of ways but I wouldn't exactly call her a neat freak...
-Changes her clothes at least 3 times daily
-Usually dresses up as a princess, a bride or a flower girl
-Loved our recent snowfall
-Was a daredevil on that sled
-Remains a total carb-i-vore
-Discovered her sweet tooth and asks for dessert regularly
-Likes playing Simon Says
-And learning to play board games too
-Would probably drop anything anytime for one-on-one time with me
-Makes friends when we go to the park to play
-My social butterfly
-So curious and imaginative
I just love her!

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