Friday, February 28, 2014

Emma 30 Months

-Our little comedian 
-Says "my like it" or "my do it"
-And "I'm cited!" when she's excited
-Has the most interesting approach to eating an ice cream cone that I have ever seen
-See, I told you she was funny
-Totally getting into dressing up too
-Randomly says "hug" and runs to give you one or "nuggle" (snuggle) or "hand" 
-Taking great naps!!!!!
-Wants Jack in his crib too whenever she goes to bed or we put her down for a nap
-There was that one time this month where they both took 3 hr naps in the SAME room (different cribs of course)
-Always tell you she "saw monkeys" when asked about her day
-Becoming my mini-chef in the kitchen (we were making "tup-takes")
-Frequently asks to see dinosaurs (go to the science center)
-Caught me crying the other day and said "Whatcha sad about Mommy?"
-Another common line I hear is "I can't see 'em!"
-I kid you not, one day she came down like this one day and told me she was going to see the Nutcracker:
-Loves music and dancing
-Often asks me to put on Nutcracker music so she can show me her moves
-Has this extra special music bond with Daddy
-Stuttering more (it comes and goes in waves!)
-Getting into drawing prefers plain black ink pens as her medium
-Her masterpieces usually include lots of tiny spirals all over the page
-When I asked her what she wanted for her half birthday she said "see Ben and Josh" - she loves her uncles!
-Loves seeing her friends and cousins
-Thinks she lives in the Space Needle
She is the ultimate sweetheart!

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