Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Emma: 32 Months

Oh my goodness, this girl is adorable! But man is she ever hard to get a good picture of! You know how I finally got her to smile a real smile for the camera (above)? I asked her to say the name of her current crush. I'm not kidding. And just look at that grin. Lock up your boys, people, this girl is on the prowl! (Now I'm kidding!!) In all seriousness though, she loves older boys and goes through phases where she talks about one in particular all the time. This month it's Conner and I might have accidentally said his name once when she was on the potty so now she talks about him every time she tries to use the bathroom....Whoops.
Emma's zest and spunk are contagious. She's talking up a storm now and spends a lot of her free time pushing Isla's buttons or wandering outside trying to get into the Honda. She also loves riding her Strider bike and could do it all day if we let her.
I mentioned potty training. Well....this happened. It was a Monday and I guess I got a crazy hair because I had her don some underwear and banned her to the outdoors. After two pairs of wet pants and undies and one pair of pee-filled shoes (why didn't I think to have her go barefoot!?) we call it quits for the day. I'm hoping she at least learned a new sensation. She did wake up dry the next morning and proceeded to hold it for a couple hours until I gave her a diaper. Progress?
I love this picture of Emma on the stump. She is so FULL OF LIFE and I love that about her! Her shyness is fading and in it's place, a brave, confident girl is developing.
She is getting more independent in getting dressed and can usually do the pants all herself. She's always game for wearing a swimsuit which she often pairs with a tutu. 
Emma remains our goof ball. She thought it was pretty fun to dress up as Gideon (read: wear his clothes) the other day after they decided to take a spontaneous swim in the fountain and her mother came ill-prepared without extra attire.
She's becoming more and more of an early riser. She usually happily chats in bed before yelling that she's ready to get up or she entertains herself by throwing everything out on the crib. The other day I walked in to get her and found her reclined backwards in bed, legs crossed, snuggling her Mickey and water bottle.
She is busy. All the time. I'll pick up and room and turn around two seconds later to find the picture (below). Sometimes I swear she's trying to kill me with her "traps." That step stool is the current bane of my existence as it has enabled her to reach new heights. Quite literally. If the house grows too quiet I know with about 100% accuracy that she has either A) found my phone and put on some Netflix and gone into hiding or B) is in my bathroom applying makeup or rubbing soap all over her legs and lotion on the mirror. Never a dull moment I tell you! The other day she was "down for her nap" when we her wailing. I ran in to find her in her hamper which was tipped over and leaning precariously against the rocking chair. Our crib days are numbered I guess. I consider myself lucky for making it this far anyway!
Exciting news this month is that the girls have gained a growing interest in taking showers! My close friends know bathing my children regularly, for some reason, is a challenge I'd liken to summiting Mt Everest for me. I just can't seem to find time for it. Soooo, this new bathroom bravery is proving wonderful as it not only results in cleaner children but it also entertains while I get ready for the day - win-win!
Love her!

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