Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jack: 6 Months

-16 pounds, 3 ounces and 26 inches of total cuteness (both 25th %ile)
-seems to be our happiest baby yet
-doted on by all his ladies. all the time.
-giggly and ticklish, loves to be naked 
-nicknames: Jack Attack, Jacky Jack, Jack-Attack-A-Tic-Tac, Buddy and Bo-Bo (you'll have to ask his sisters about the last one - I have no idea where they got it!)
-takes his mid-day nap in the same room as Emma (small victories!)
-discovered his hands and feet
-sleep trained in various capacities for about a month
-it didn't go well...
-took a break when we started having feeding/latch issues and concerns for slowed growth
-overall he's still on track (phew!) but we're hoping to see lactation next week for the latch issues
-outgrowing his bouncy seat
-rolling regularly from tummy to back
-enjoying floor play more these days
-waking every 2-3 hours. all night long.
-and then we realized he had an ear infection...
-poor boy. good thing he's so darn cute!!!
-swaddle-free (!!!)
-sleeping successfully in sleep sack now, even falls asleep on own sometimes
-when he sleeps, that is
-cat napper
-sat in the high chair for the first time
-had his first solids (beef, avocado then black beans)
-so far not too enthused
-sitting for short periods but eventually folds in half
-stands while hanging onto furniture (supported)
-takes a few "steps" when holding on to fingers
-first trip to the beach (Juanita)
Though you'd never know it from all the cheerful expressions in these pictures, this month has been a challenging one with all the feeding and sleep issues. I'm hoping for big steps in positive directions (read: more sleep for mom!!!) next month!

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