Thursday, April 24, 2014


On Saturday, we hosted (read: crammed) my family, minus Ben, in our little townhouse for a Pre-Easter party. Our track record for hosting them when it is raining is 100% which means we basically sat on top of one another for five hours, minus a brief race outside for a traditional Peep Picture. But we had fun nonetheless.
 Graham ordered me to keep the menu simple. But we feasted all the same, with Roast Chicken (thanks Costco!) that we dressed up with Pistachio Salsa, Peppers and Corn and my family contributed rolls and roasted sweet potatoes and wine.
 My pictures of the whole family didn't turn out very well but I'm posting them just the same. We got smart this time and fed the kids first (then put on a movie!!) as fitting 12 around our table ain't gonna happen. This genius plan resulted in quiet kiddos and a quiet meal for the adults.
 And of course I made dessert...look for a recipe post soon!
 Lani provided a nutritious egg hunt for the kids (pretzels, raisins and crackers - love her!) and they had a blast searching our living room.
The kids and their Easter Backpacks. Or something.

1 comment:

  1. I never comment anymore, but I love reading these, just the same. You take great pictures, have an adorable family- inside and out, and your stories are so great! Thank you for writing and keeping up the blog. I feel like our connection isn't ever lost, no matter the distance, because we can keep tabs this way. Love you!!!
