Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday to THIS guy!

Okay everyone....he's 25 1/2 today! And I'm sure he'd groan if he knew I was sitting here blogging about it. He's still a little iffy on the whole 1/2 birthday celebration thing which is beyond me--why complain when you get a present, cake and get to feel special for one more day of the year?! Anyway, unfortunately he signed up for an extra shift at work today so we're not able to do much celebrating. I did get up early though and made him coconut french toast (he didn't remember that today was his half birthday and so it took him a while to figure out why I was up at 5:15 AM making breakfast on my day OFF) and he should find a cupcake in his lunch when he takes his break at work today. Anyway, feel free to embarrass him and call or e-mail your well wishes. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! When I read the title of this post I was wondering if Graham was on board with the whole 1/2 birthday thing. Pete and I share the same birthday, so one year I threw him a surprise half birthday party so he'd have his own special day. It was pretty cool - but I think Pete was confused!

    Congrats on the refi - we just locked in a couple days ago too and are hoping our house will appraise (Pete's in the middle of tiling the upstairs bathroom - and I'm hoping that helps!). The lower rate will help us with keeping the monthly bills down so we can still eat once we have Hailey's diaper bills to add to the mix.
