Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great News!

We arrived home from Mexico at 1 AM on Saturday, January 3rd. If this date does not jump out at you, let me refresh your memory: it was the date the boy scouts came around to pick up Christmas trees. Unfortunately, due to our late arrival home and the fact that we had to work that day, our Christmas tree did not get undecorated and therefore was not picked up by the dear scouts. UGG! We were left to our own means of getting rid of it. So, we did what any other person would do--we waited a day, removed the ornaments and then threw the tree on the side of the house (just out of the view of any guests or visitors) and hoped for the best. Personally, I hoped it would just evaporate or that nature would very rapidly work its course and biodegrade it into bark and soil for my garden next year. For 25 days, I had no such luck. Until today, day 26....We arrived home from some errands to find that it was gone! My idea worked! I just knew if we left it there long enough, it would disappear! My guess is that, due to the economic crisis, local Christmas tree farms can no longer afford to plant new trees for Christmas 2009 and have been forced to locate, save and reuse trees like ours. Whatever the case, we're thankful that ours has been removed from our responsibility!


  1. ahahahhaaa! Are you going to get written up by your housing association for littering? LOL

    Sorry, this post is making me laugh...


  2. Our tree always disappears, Kyle actually just puts it out near the alley any old day he pleases and it is usually gone in less than 24 hours.

    Apparently there's quite a market for used christmas trees. Maybe your christmas tree farm theory is correct....

  3. Our Christmas tree is till sitting outside, covered in snow, in the backyard. Glendon said he was going to cut it down and get rid of it but it hasn't happened yet. I wish someone would come steal ours.
