Tuesday, February 9, 2010

24 Weeks

Isla is learning new tricks everyday. I know I will probably say this many times again in the future, but THIS is my favorite stage so far! Isla is so interactive, her curiousity is developing and another biggie in my books, she's found a really good routine.

One thing that I keep forgetting to mention is that she's learned how to put her binkie in all by herself. If the binkie is in sight and in reach, it will end up in her mouth! If only she could figure out how to find it in the dark in the middle of the night....sigh.

Isla has started touching, feeling and grabbing people's faces and mouths this past week or two. It's pretty cute! On Sunday (which was a complete melt down day), I decided to lay on the bed with her in hopes we both could take a nap. I tried to sleep. She didn't seem to be trying very hard and spent pretty much the whole time playing with my face while I tried to keep my eyes closed. Too adorable.
Our doctor was SO RIGHT about sleep! She told us Isla's morning nap would be the most essential and that we should plan our day around it to make sure she gets a good one. And it's true! There have only been a few days when she has missed this nap and they have been HORRID, crank fests! In general though, if we keep to our schedule, she goes down now without even fussing-it's so great.

Isla has been waking consistantly at 1 or 2 AM each night. She doesn't need to eat (she's still going from about 6 PM to 4 or 5 AM without feeding) and usually just wants her binkie and then falls right back asleep. Unfortunately, we are not down with this middle-of-the-night-binkie-giving activity and so are working on nipping it in the bud this week. This means turning off the monitor and trying to "ignore" her until she goes back asleep. :o( 
We're saving a lot of $$$ on diapers and wipes these days because Isla's digestive system seems to have slowed over the past month. This may be TMI for some, but she only poos once or twice a week now and you have to be READY when it happens. If you catch her in time and stand her up during the process, you can save her clothes from stainage. I'll admit I have heard the action through the monitor during one of her naps and literally dropped everything and RAN to hold her upright to avoid a huge mess. On that note, I'm out! :o)

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