Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Garden 2010

Some girls can't be trusted in shoe stores. Other can't be trusted in the handbag section. Still others can't even go to the mall unsupervised. I guess I'm not the stereotypical girl because my secret indulgence is the garden store. I realized on Friday that I should never be allowed to go alone! It's kind of like the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" story...then he'll want milk etc etc. If you send me to the garden store to pick up some beet seeds, then I'll want to buy lettuce seeds and pepper seeds and herb seeds and oh maybe a hunk of rhubarb root. But wait, what about more dahlia bulbs? I think I'm running low. Watermelon seeds? I'm sure I need that too. You get the idea. Yesterday I was pretty responsible with my purchases and tried to stick to only the "essentials." I left Molbaks after spending a mere $17 (Graham will be so proud, especially we'd only discussed my buying beet seeds).

Anyway, so like the rest of the world, this sunshine tease has really got me thinking about my little garden patch. I was a good girl this year and asked permission from my home owners association to fill one of the empty beds that borders the outside of our townhome (yes, I already sinned and planted in some of the other beds but thought I should ask this year. I don't know what I was so afraid of. Everyone gave me an unanimous "Yes!" as it will be for the beautification of the property.) So, as my Christmas/Half Birthday/Valentines Day/Groudhog Day (did I get them all this time, Mom?) present, I got to order some perennials. I perused my Bluestone Perennial catalog and picked out some favorites that supposedly grow in part shade (this bed has never grown much successfully as I think it is more shady than I thought). Come spring, the following should arrive at my doorstep:

Hosta Blue Cadet
Astilbe Red Sentinel
Aquilegia Canadensis
Dicentra Spectablis Rosea

Viola Chantreyland
I can't wait! As for my purchases on Friday, I picked up seeds for both red and golden beets which I planted in a planter (so we can have plenty to make our favorite Beet Salad many times throughout the summer. I also grabbed some romaine lettuce, mixed greens, cilantro and basil seeds for my pots. I was even swayed into buying a rhubarb starter (which I have actually been wanting to a long time) but the kicker is that I'm going to try and grow it in a large pot since I don't have the dirt real estate for it in my meager garden space. The Molbak lady said it was worth a shot trying it in a large pot. I'm bound and determined to try to grow at least enough to make my husband's favorite pie, the famous Crozier Rhubarb Custard!

1 comment:

  1. Oh fun!!! We went to molbak's on Sunday and got some plants for the 'rental' house. We spent a bit more than your measly $17 - but the result was nice and we spruced up the backyard enough to where a buyer might think it's actually nice out there. I REALLY want to build some flower beds here and go back to Molbak's and spend some time picking fun things for our house...but I think that's on hold until we get other house projects done. BOO. :(
