Friday, February 26, 2010

I've Been Thinking...

I'm so tired I don't think I'll ever get up. Dinner's in the oven and I don't even know what it is. Graham keeps calling and asking what we're having and all I can tell him is that "I think it's Italian." (I had some freezer meals saved up for nights like this--but this one just happened to not be labeled). :o)

It's been a bit of a rough week in the Crozier household. Isla's been under-the-weather with some nasty virus and just looks miserable with her watery eyes, cough and sneezes. Graham was either food poisoned (no, it WASN'T from my cooking!) or picked up some horrid GI bug from one of his patients that has completely wiped him out cold. Meanwhile, I think Isla passed her little ick to me and so I'm walking around with plugged ears, one runny nose and a constant headache (unfortunately I had to work the last two days in the midst of all this). We are all quite the sight, I must say! I will also say that it's gonna be another lively Friday night at our place. I just hope it tops last Friday (when we finally went on our first date without Isla in over a month and ended up coming home only 20 minutes later after I had to pull the car over so Graham could puke...)

Anyway, back to tonight. Graham just called on his way home from work and I think he's bringing me a "treat" (which is always either frozen yogurt or ice cream for those are you who are not in-the-know). A "treat," some Italian? food, the Olympics, baby sleeping, my hubby home...sounds quite nice.

But more importantly, about what I'd been thinking. As I've been caring for a sick Isla over the past few days, I've spent some time trying to hold her close and cuddle her. Sometimes she's completely willing. But there have been other times when she is beyond exhausted but absolutely refuses to rest her head on my shoulder and I'm left thinking "If only you realized it be so much easier if you just gave in!"

It all of a sudden hit me yesterday morning. This must be a lot like what God feels with me. He must spend so much time trying to hold me, get me to let go of my control (or really only my perception of control), get me to rest and let Him handle my worries and concerns. And I waste so much time fighting it. Sigh. What a great illustration these last couple days have been for me. I'm grateful for the lessons learned in my day-to-day life with Isla. Tonight, I'm going to hand it all over and rest!

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