Tuesday, February 16, 2010

25 Weeks

I think we're in trouble. Isla LOVES boys. Of any age. Girls/women/ladies will try to make her smile with or without much luck. But when a boy walks in the room, she's all grins.

Isla attended her first basketball game last Thursday (her Uncle Ben's). She startled every time the buzzer went off but did not cry. However, she screams and begins crying when the congregation at church claps or laughs collectively....go figure.

See previous post. Isla went in a pool for the very first time! She also attended her first baby shower this week for a good childhood friend who is also expecting her firstborn, a girl.

Isla spent her first full day in the care of her Daddy on Thursday while I worked (this will be an every other week occurrence in the future). They had a good day together.
Isla is really into other babies. If one is nearby, she reaches out for them, smiles and "talks." It is so adorable. Usually, the other baby of interest is a boy (of course) and in most cases is not thrilled by her attention and begins to cry. I'm guessing this situation will repeat itself over. And over. And over. Pretty much until middle school or after with the same story: boys running from her attention until they finally decide it's ok to admit that girls do not have cooties.

Our beautiful daughter is sporting quite bald spot along with a lovely the mullet. Please, do not use the following picture as blackmail in the future. I'm posting it because I feel it needs to be documented. Unfortunately, her outfit is covering up the mullet but you can see her bald spot. Thankfully, her hair is actually growing back everywhere except for here. (Of note, see what she's watching? An interview with Apolo Ono!)


  1. She is such a little doll! Do you put her leg on top of the bears every time or does she do that on her own?

  2. Heather,
    I think when I set her down her leg lands there and she doesn't move it. I can't say for sure....all I know is I don't stage it intentionally. :0)
