Tuesday, April 13, 2010

33 Weeks

I think Isla officially waved bye-bye for the first time on Saturday. My mom and sister and I had been shopping and we were getting ready to leave and so were all waving at her. She was watching our fingers SO intently and then, ever so slowly and gradually, she started moving her own fingers up and down. It was like she was urging her little neurons to SYNAPSE! SYNAPSE! because she wanted to copy us so badly but couldn't quite figure out how.

We dedicated Isla to the Lord this past Sunday at church (see coming post). It was a very special day and it meant a lot to us to have so many friends and family present.

Our sweet little girl has become a bit mischievous at times. I love this little photo story that occured during this morning's photo shoot. In the first pic, you can just tell she up to no good--look at that sly grin! Sure enought, she slammed poor Snowball facedown in her lap (middle pic). Then in the last pic, Snowball got her revenge (I sat her back up and apparently Isla was displeased by the feeling of fur on her face).
Isla is busy busy busy! She's starting to squirm in our laps and is constantly reaching and grabbing for anything and everything (and she's pretty quick at it). Last week, she figured how to undo her diaper....you have to be speedy at getting her pants back on when doing a change, otherwise she'll reverse all your work and take her diaper back off.

This week we added Cheerios, plums and strawberries to Isla's food list. The Cheerios were the most entertaining. EVERYTHING she holds (food or not) always goes into her mouth, except apparently for Cheerios. For whatever reason, she'd pick them up but it was like it never occured to her to eat them. Finally I started popping them in her mouth for her. She made a pretty weird face but now she gets it and seems to like them (it was like "Ohhhh, THAT'S what you want me to do with them...")

We pulled Isla's high chair out (so she could have a tray for her Cheerios) for the first time this week. In doing so, I lost some of my kitchen square footage :( but all for good reason. 
I haven't documented Isla's usual schedule in a while (not that anyone other than me is interested) but I want to have it written down for my records later. Isla wake up around 7:30 AM, eats breakfast (solids) and then nurses around 8:15 AM and goes back down for her morning nap around 8:30 AM. She usually sleeps for an hour or maybe a titch more if I'm lucky. Then she plays for a bit, nurses sometime after 11, has more solids a short time after, then goes down for another nap around noon. She sleeps for another hour or so then plays, nurses sometime between 2 and 3 and then plays some more. If we're at home, she'll often take a half hour snooze starting somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 but if we're out and about or have company, she'll frequently sneakily skip this nap. She has solids again around 5:30 or 6, then nurses around 6:15 and goes down for bed at 6:30. She wakes up to eat pretty much at 4:30 AM on the dot and then sleeps again until 7:30 AM. Then the process repeats....

On a final note, this little missy is such a Daddy's girl. She walks in the room, sees her dad, and she is instantly smiling. She LOVES when he is around.

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