Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Before I get on with the details on the weekend, let me first get something off my chest. I thought I had overcome my love-hate relationship with my camera. When we got it 3 years ago, we noticed it was back-focusing (focusing on the background rather than the foreground) but thought that it was due to user error and maybe because it was on a funny setting. I started to like it a bit more over the past couple months when I was able to get a few good shots (but only when there was lots of natural lighting). Well, after much tweaking and numerous examinations by my professional photographer brothers-in-law, it is confirmed: IT IS NOT JUST ME! The camera is (and probably always has been) broken. Good thing it only cost us $700. Ha! No actually, that's not a good thing. Anyway, I was saddened to see that upon viewing our Easter pictures this morning, there are very few good ones. Booo. But I'll post them anyway because it was Isla's first Easter.

On Saturday night, we celebrated pre-Easter as well as my Dad's birthday, with a big dinner at our place. I made my very first roast leg of lamb (which turned out quite well if I do say so myself!), scalloped potatoes, homemade No-Knead Parmesan Thyme Rolls, Baked Brie with Apricot in Pastry. We also had salad, cake and ice cream. We Wilsons of course partook in the traditional Robin's Egg lipstick photos, which happens every Easter.
Isla got her first Easter gift from her grandparents: a stuffed rabbit and a windup chick toy. She was actually able to upwrap her gift for the most part and really enjoyed the ribbons.
Sunday was busy busy busy with Graham playing music at church and Isla and I spending time helping in the nursery. Our Easter service was moving and beautiful. They had tons of fresh tulips and even a flowering tree on stage so we decided to take our traditional Easter Peep photo with it as a backdrop. We let Isla hold her Peep for oh about 1.7 seconds until it went straight into her mouth (and we couldn't get her to look at the camera because she was so enamored by her sugary friend). This mama is NOT allowing sweets, particularly Peeps! (Does anyone even know what they put in those things!??) So we gave up on the Peeps and just tried smiling instead with very little success.
We spent Easter lunch with Graham's side of the family and had a lovely afternoon filled with much more eating. Of course the major highlight (and Crozier tradition) is the magnificent Peep Cake, made annually by my mother-in-law. This year's cake was a real beauty!
Then began another frivolous attempt of us trying to capture a nice picture of Miss Isla in her Easter garb. Look at the little ham we have on our hands! Such a poser for the camera:
After refusing to nap ALL day, Isla was one tired girl.


  1. Cuuuute pictures, Kelsie! I love the shots of you and your gorgeous baby girl!! Happy Easter, friend!!

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  3. Very nice photos! Isla is such a cutie! I was having problems with my camera and Dave discovered the cause of out of focus pictures. The lens needed to be cleaned! If there is dust on it, the focusing gets all messed up! Happy clicking!
