Tuesday, April 27, 2010

35 Weeks

Isla turned 8 months on Sunday and this week feels like it was especially full of milestones.

Isla rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday! She even did it twice, just to prove to me that she could do it. I was beginning to think she never would because she hates being on her tummy so much--she was going to need a real good motivator to make her flip. I laid her in her crib (on her back) for her afternoon nap yesterday and she put up quite the protest. I came back to check on her after a period of crying and lo and behold, she was on her tummy! I flipped her back over, gave her the binkie and left again. More crying. I returned to check and wah-lah, she was on her belly. I think what happened was that she was reaching for the crib rails to try and escape and apparently the potential of escaping was all the motivation she needed!
In other news, Isla learned to stick out her tongue and spit this week. Awesome.

She also has figured out how to grab your fingers and pull herself up to a standing position (which she loves doing) and she has figured out how to actually move her feet and "walk" with help once standing (she used to just stay in place and eventually almost end up doing the splits). She can scoot both forward and backwards while in the sitting position and wriggle backwards and spin in circles while on her tummy....crawling is not far off!

Isla got to try chicken (mixed with peas, carrots and onions), pureed fresh corn (formerly on the cob from a fruti/veg stand!) and small cubes of watermelon this week. She loved them all.
I noticed that Isla has become particularly obsessed with spinning round objects this week. Our CD player in the kitchen has a clear window so you can watch the CD spin as it plays. We've been listening to Isla's new Veggietales CD a lot and she just loves to sit there and watch it spin. Sometimes I'll just be holding her in the kitchen (music off) and she'll squirm and crane her neck until I finally realize she wants the CD player on. Such a turkey. Oh and yesterday we were on a walk and I held her for the last bit because she was tired of being in the stroller. Guess how she entertained herself? By watching the stroller wheels spin!
Isla continues to be an ever-busy, always-grabbing-everything baby. She has transitioned out of 6 mo size and into 6-9 mo and 9 mo so we spent some time sorting through her clothes yesterday. Of course she wanted to play with one of the cardboard boxes so I let her have at it. Next thing I knew, I looked up and she has disappeared! She has somehow managed to flip the box upsidedown and on top of her. She didn't seem to mind either and was enjoying her little fort.
On a more personal mommy note, it has been a really rough week. I'm not sure what is going on but Isla more or less refused to nurse for 12 hours last Wednesday (I got her to feed at 5:30 AM and 5:30 PM). Then I had to work both Thursday and Friday and so was dependant on the pump for 10 hr each day (which is typical for my work shifts, it's just that they aren't usually preceded by a day like Wednesday). Needless to say, my milk supply tanked and we headed into a whirlwind weekend of Isla wanting to nurse, getting frustrated because there wasn't enough, then refusing to eat, me getting stressed out because I couldn't keep her latched for long enough which only made things worse. Etc. Etc. Thankfully, I am well equipped with many tricks of the trade for increasing supply given my profession, but never expected these problems to happen to ME. So, my weekend was basically absorbed by all things breastfeeding. I started taking Fenugreek, called my Pediatrician, called my lactation consultant friend, cried a bit, spent lots of time nursing and pumping on a rigorous schedule, tried to relax, tracked Isla's wet diapers like a hawk and so on and so forth. Things are looking up today but we still aren't back to what I would call "normal." I think she is getting enough now and I haven't had to start any formula (which is what the nurse I talked to recommended--NO!!!! Thankfully I had some pumped milk to give her when she was still hungry instead). Anyway, sorry if this is TMI for any of you male or non-breastfeeding readers but for those of you nursing moms, maybe you can relate? Prayers would be appreciated as my goal is to continue nursing at least until a year!

1 comment:

  1. I have that other green button lying on my desk. I was lazy. Loved that shirt, but never got around to sewing the button back on. ;)

    Good post. Awesome pics. And good luck with the milk supply. :\ I know that can be really frustrating and stressful. Sounds like you're on the right track though. Hugs and prayers!!
