Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dyeing Eggs

Dyeing Easter eggs this year was so much fun! Isla was totally into it which made it wonderful experience. Every part of it thrilled her which was fun to watch. She loved lowering the eggs into the water on the spoon "elevator" and then giggled with glee when they would emerge a completely different color. She loved the yellow eggs best (may go hand in hand with her love of Ducky?) Anyway, let me back up a bit. This year, I finally identified that dyeing eggs really stresses me out. I'm serious. I am too much of a perfectionist I guess and there is no perfection when it comes to dyeing eggs. Instead, there lots of asymmetry and eggs that reject color in certain spots for whatever reason. And I don't handle either of those things very well (or at least haven't in the past). Silly, I know, but the first step is admitting it. Anyhow, the beauty this year, was that Isla was did an amazing job and I was freed of the responsibility of making beautiful eggs. Win-win!
 It was Gideon's first year dyeing eggs and he showed us up with his unique technique. Don't judge! He's free-styling! Sometimes he's too cute for words.
 Gideon wore one of my Dad's shirts and Isla wore the old shirt that I used to wear to protect my clothes when I was little (probably also my Dad's). Isla overheard me telling Gideon he looked a little like Jesus in his robe and she proceeded to pull down a kid's coloring picture of Jesus from the fridge to show him. :)  Kids are such a joy!

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